Typical Friday

This morning, Dave headed out to work early. I was tasked with getting the kids to school. We arrived later than Brandon would have liked, as he reminded me Daddy gets them there much earlier, so they can play. It is much easier arriving just before the bell rings, to avoid having the kids run around rampant. Peyton came with me to the office for me to check in and get my volunteer sticker. Brandon took off, and didn’t look back! So sad. We headed to her classroom, and the bell rang just before. She got in line, and headed out to flag salute. I was chatting with V’s parents about their recent ski trip. We hung out at the assembly, chatting, then I headed to go get my book to read. Unfortunately, the book wasn’t there. So, I went to move my car closer to campus, so I could make a quicker getaway after I was done. The book today was a more sensitive topic, talking about a little African American girl’s experience going to recently integrate school during the time of the Civil Rights era. We spent about 45 minutes in class, and to demonstrate how to “walk a mile in someone else’s shoes”, I brought in three pairs – Dave’s boots, my heels, and Peyton’s baby shoes. I didn’t want other kids’ feet in our shoes, so I asked Peyton earlier if she’d help me out. She was willing, and she knew it was coming up, when I brought the bag out. She gladly came up and put her feet in Dave’s shoes. I asked her to walk a little bit, and it was hard for her. Then, she walked a few feet in my heels, and we didn’t even bother with her baby shoes. When I was done with my reading, I headed to work for an hour. I also had a cookie drop off to make. I went back to school for lunch duty. When I got to the cafeteria, Peyton said, “But we’re already done eating! Why are you so late? OH, and I didn’t even share food with anyone today.” I said hi to her classmates again, and then ushered them to the playground. For some reason today, several of them all wanted to hold my hand. I had four of them hanging off part of my hands. Peyton was a bit jealous and whiny until I offered her my thumb, which she gladly took. I get the heebie jeebies holding kids’ hands, especially those I’m not related to, knowing where those hands have been. But, as we neared the playground, they all went about their business. I was admiring their class garden. It’s a small half-cask kind of garden, and snow pea seeds were planted before Christmas. Now, it’s taller than they are, and probably taller than me, too! We counted at least a dozen pods, with many more coming. The kids were gentle with them, and I warned them about plucking the flowers, as pods wouldn’t grow. The recess went by quickly, especially with my conversation with V about skiing. I had to leave lunch early with a splinter causality, however, I couldn’t tell Peyton I was leaving. The boy got a mini splinter in his hand, and V came with me. She was funny, as the office staff member couldn’t get it out with the tweezers, she leaned in and whispered, “I don’t think the tweezers work very well.” We headed back as the class was going to dance class. We were the last ones there, and as all the kids went inside, I chatted with the teacher. She was worried because one boy hadn’t come back from lunch bunch, the group Peyton used to be in. Peyton had reported one kid hurt her classmate the other day, and Mrs. Some natural cure for erectile dysfunction Green vegetables A deficiency in the supply of blood to visit description purchase cheap viagra the penis region. Apart from that men can simply replace medicines like Kamagra, soft cialis pills , and levitra with these 10 foods that help improving erection-quality naturally. 1. One can simply calculate BMI online by entering your Visa information. go to the drugshop cialis no prescription Some people want thought about this cialis prescription to rely on information from other people who have previously carried out this task. M was a bit worried that they were so late from Lunch bunch. I told her that I had warned Peyton about returning to LB if she continued the behavior from earlier in the week, which prompted two emails from the teacher in two days. Mrs. M said she could tell something changed in Peyton after the second day, as she quickly got her act together. She knew that Peyton and I had talked. I told Mrs. M about what I’d heard from Peyton, and she had heard something of that as well. She didn’t want something bad happening to B, her student. I left and headed back to my car, but not before encountering random kids out of class and ushering them to the office. After seeing that, I made a note to warn the kids to stay out of the front of the school, as it was too close to the street and very little supervision. (I did tell the kids, and Brandon reminded me last time he went close to out of bounds, he got written up with a yellow slip, and that he wouldn’t do that again!) After school, Mrs. M told me Peyton was selected to be the example at dance class. She came to the front of the class, and followed directions of the dance teacher and “wasn’t embarrassed!” Mrs. M said she did a great job! Much better end to the week than the start, which I chalked up as getting back into the swing of things from the break. We came home, and it was the dreaded Friday piano lessons. None of us look forward to it, as the kids are just learning their homework for the week, and it usually takes the longest amount of time. I don’t look forward to it, because it is a bit agonizing, getting them to do it right. Peyton was finishing up her weekly writing homework, so Brandon volunteered to go first. Time was up, so Peyton was off the hook until after swim class. Brandon did a great job at class today, while Peyton needed a few reminders. They did a few laps each of freestyle, backstroke, and unassisted (no noodle) breast stroke. Brandon did really well at this stroke today. We headed home, and as promised, Brandon got free time, while Peyton had piano. Today, she didn’t get mad at me, but got mad at making mistakes. She learned from our lesson on Sophie gets angry, and she hugged me tightly, while crying, when she messed up. I had her just squeeze it out, then she persevered and got the melody to work. Then, we took out Roominate and did that for awhile, before I decided to go through our change box to look for state and national park quarters for Peyton’s collection that she received from Neha at her birthday. I didn’t know they had the national park quarters until I started to see them in the mix, and then realized what the other collection Peyton had received was. Some of the coins don’t come out until 2020! So this is the contemporary version of what Dave and I had been collecting when the state quarters first started. It’s a great way to solidify her learning of U.S. geography. Brandon got into it, especially since it was his coin bank we were sorting. We headed to dinner tonight, in lieu of movie night. We told them we’d make it up to them tomorrow. Peyton insisted she wasn’t tired at dinner, and that we could watch. But when we got into the car, she buckled up and said, “Good night!” She had a glazed over look all the way home, and crawled into her bed as soon as we got in the door. i had to prod her to get up and brush her teeth, but she was for all intents and purposes, DONE. Now, a quiet night of blogging, exercising, and tv watching đŸ™‚

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