Telling It Like It Is

We went to pick up a key from another manager for softball so Dave can prepare the field before Peyton’s home game tomorrow. It’s bright and early, but Dave has Brandon’s game, so he has to head over there after he’s done. The other manager was a pretty big dude, and he was asking Peyton some questions. She responded! A-mazing! Simple stuff like, “How was opening day?” and “How was your first game?” “Good”. “Do you like softball?” “Yes.” But still, we’ve got words. We went to dinner, and she was falling asleep at the table. There was a little gnat flying around Dave, and Brandon saw it. I saw it, too, but before I barely said, “There’s a…” Brandon said to Dave, “You must be smelly. Because gnats only fly around stuff that’s smelly.” If only he knew what I was thinking at that moment…hahaha…Brandon’s a funny guy. Dinner was all the way by swimming, and the kids recognized it. They (almost) had the pool to themselves today! One diver got in and was trying on wetsuits, and floating around while talking to the guys helping him.

They look like synchronized swimmers, and less like they are anything about racing:

kick turns…they were going the width of the pool to stay away from the lone diver.

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While I was helping the docent today, I was talking to the other mom and she asked me if I wanted more kids. I was telling her how expensive it was to send them to school, etc, and that I didn’t want to be out-numbered, as it was, we often divide and conquer. We were talking about pre-K and TK since her son did a year of kinder at private school. I asked her what school he went to just to be conversant, and she responded “FA”. I was shocked! It’s such a small school, so out of the blue! We were trying to figure out if the kids were ever there at the same time, since she has a 4th grader as well. We may have, and just been in different classrooms, but what a small world!

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