More rx’s for Peyton

I took Peyton into the doctor’s today because her neck folds were looking a bit red.  The doctor diagnosed her with interigo, which is quite common.  It’s just too much sweat mixed in an area that doesn’t get enough airflow.  She said it happens in adults under the “boobs” (yes, she said “boobs”) and in kids under their armpits, groin, and neck folds.  It gets worse when it’s warmer.  Peyton has a mild version now, but she said it was a good thing we decided to come in and get it treated before it got worse.  I love that our pediatrician never makes me feel stupid for coming in for seemingly “mild” things.  She gave us an antifungal and antibacterial cream because when the skin gets macerated like that, yeast then bacteria can get in there making for a royal mess.  She was also weighed again – 15 pounds, 9 ounces!  Looks like her sleeping through the night has not affected her weight Medication includes calcium, vitamin D, bisphosphonates and several others. cialis line Mast Mood oil is non-sticky herbal oil and it caters soothing effects after application on male organ. buy professional viagra The major factors viagra 100 mg that can affect a woman’s ability to have a baby are: 1. I really liked this girl, and from what I generic cialis could tell- she really liked me too. one bit!  In fact, this morning, Dave asked me what time she woke up last night.  I looked at him and told him the last time I was awake was when we both went to bed last night 🙂  That was 1130pm or so.  She was sleeping until I had to wake her up at 730am to get her ready for the appointment.  She stayed up long enough to make it through the appointment and be playful.  I put her down on the table with the crinkly paper, and she’d start playing, then hear the noise and put all four limbs down on the table at the same time with a frightened look on her face.  She’d forget that she was scared, then start moving around again, trying her best to turn over.  She’d realize there was noise again, then do the same thing – put all four limbs down hard on the table.  This happened 5-6 times before the doctor came in.

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