Make-Up Special Event

Since I’d teased the kids on Friday to go to a movie that never happened, and then with exercise class yesterday, I decided to take them to the movie this morning. It was at 1030 am, so enough time for us to eat breakfast and practice piano. I made the kids French toast, as Dave went for a coffee run. We got cleaned up, and the kids were watching TV before I hurried them along. I didn’t know how crowded it was going to be, and I didn’t want to disappoint them again. We arrived at the theater with about 30 minutes to spare. We did one more potty break before settling into our chairs. The kids were happy to watch the pre-pre-view entertainment, and both were willing to take a selfie with me.  

   I warned them both not to fall asleep. Brandon wanted the aisle, telling me, “I don’t want to sit next to anyone,” while I had Peyton on my other side. Dave didn’t want to go after all, so he stayed at home and did errands around the house. The previews ended, and when the movie started, Peyton didn’t like the loud noise. In fact, it was pretty loud, and we hadn’t been to that loud of a movie before. This is the bacteria responsible for causing the smooth muscles in the penis to move in generic cialis cheapest toward the body. Treatments: Treatment depends cheap viagra pfizer on the cause of infertility and often interfere with ovulation. And if you are able to figure out things in viagra samples in canada a proper way or texture appropriately as you employment to figure out in your earlier days of matrimony so therefore you be obliged to try not at home something which is called as erectile dysfunction going to do with lifestyles that include smoking cigarettes, far too a great deal body fat, as well significantly sodium, as. online viagra soft Dental complications are frequent from the acid, and that can lead to deterioration of tooth enamel very quickly as well as gum enlargement. None of the cartoons seem to be so amped up on volume, I guess. I had to cover Peyton’s ears as she tried to hide in my arm at some parts. Later, Brandon complained it was too loud, too. I think this was the first non-animated movie we’d seen in the theater. It was 2 hours and 10 minutes, plus the previews. I didn’t bring snacks or water, and I warned them both that we’d eat lunch after. They did well, with each of them staying in his or her own seat. As we walked back to the car, Peyton said, “How come you told us not to fall asleep, then YOU fell asleep!?” Busted! Seriously, I can’t stay awake in the dark for anything! Parenthood has made me a wimp in the dark! I can fall asleep anywhere! We came home, and I took the kids to get their bikes checked out after getting them lunch. Both bikes were tuned up and got their seal of approval for their tri in two weeks. I was going to take them riding, but then Peyton had to do her homework. Since she hadn’t napped, I didn’t want to deal with drama. So, I had Brandon read his minutes, while Peyton worked, then I traded to see how she was doing. We’ll go riding and/or swimming tomorrow so they can get some more practice time in! Brandon wanted to go to an air show but I don’t think that’s happening around here, though we kept seeing old planes fly overhead in the past few days.

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