This month, Peyton was selected for the Citizen of the Month: leadership!
Here is the invitation I received today:
“I am extremely happy to inform you that Peyton has been selected to receive an award for Leadership. You are invited to attend the Cherry Chase Awards Ceremony on Friday, May 29th, at 8:15 (at the morning flag salute). I have not told Peyton that she is receiving an award and hope that we can keep it a surprise until the award ceremony. Your presence would help make this presentation more of an honor for your child. I hope that you will be able to attend this assembly to acknowledge your child’s positive presence at Cherry Chase.
Thank you,
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I wrote back that I would be in attendance, and to confirm my art lesson on Friday. Mrs. M wrote back, “Peyton really deserves this award. She is a born leader and goes out of her way to help others. I’m so proud of her.”
We’re so proud of her, too! This is the award Brandon won his kinder and first grade year. I was hoping he’d win it this year, too, but I haven’t seen anything from his teacher yet. I’m still holding out hope for a two-fer 🙂