
Last night, Brandon was being really stubborn.  It was late, around 930pm, I’ll give him that.  He was cranky and making a mess of his blocks.  Dave told him to put them away otherwise he’d throw them away.  Brandon was crying; he only wanted to eat.  Then, he’d protest and kept emptying the bin while we were trying to help him fill it to put it away.  Then he would ignore our requests to put his toys away, throwing a fit.  Finally Dave started filling his sandpail and dumped all but 3 pieces in the trash and then put it outside.  We told him to put the last 3 pieces in the original blocks container and then take those to our room.  That he did (because he wanted to eat and he realized he was fighting a losing battle).  After I fed Brandon, he staggered to bed.  He was so Don’t generico cialis on line compare the new system side-to side to old system because they are not getting the solution as per the requirement. Shilajit is nothing but a rejuvenating herb which contains 85 essential minerals in its viagra sans prescription ionic form. Sildenafil citrate is the secret to the success of cheapest price for tadalafil s, generic Silagra, and many other erectile dysfunction (ED) medicine should be taken while taking this medication. However, can it also buy cheap cialis boost testosterone levels to optimize men’s health. tired,  he just curled up with his feet and legs under him at the foot of his newly-positioned bed.  I came in and changed him, brushed his teeth, and then Dave finished him off until he was asleep. 

This morning when he woke up, he saw the blocks container by his bed.  I opened it up and showed him there were only 3 left because the rest had been thrown away.  He quickly jumped off the bed and went to go look for the rest.  (After Brandon had gone to bed, we fished them out of the trash and cleaned them up.)  He found them in the living room in the sandpail.  He dutifully carried them back to the room and met Dave in the hallway.  I told him to say, “Thank you” to Dave, which he did, and dumped them in the container.  Hopefully he will have learned his lesson.