trip recap based on notes taken

since we didn’t have wifi readily available:

Here are snippets from notes I took with pictures interspersed.  

Red eye flight out with stop in Taiwan: 

Peyton ate like a champ selecting all Asian foods over western food.  But Brandon was picky and said he didn’t like airplane food.  So he didn’t eat much even at the airport.   
Airport selfies    Pork rice. 


  “western” breakfast 

  Happy Dave in Taiwan airport.  Eating food at 6 am??

  She was loving the greens and XLB

What I had: sweet tofu 


  HK MJ!! 


            Friday: dinner at mall slept by 630 while adults went out for drinks with Kathleen, Spencer and Tim. Had dinner part two at a crab place that ran out of crab then saw the 28hk office and bar. Kids slept over 12 hours to wake by 720 am. Peyton woke up in the middle of the night shouting, “Stop interrupting me”

Saturday: sentosa island. Luge and skyride Which was super scary!! It was so high up I had to avoid looking down and i kept my hand on Peyton’s leg just in case.  Three times. Dragon and jungle (1st and third) trails. Peyton rode shotgun all the rides but got to steer her final trip down. 








28hk night.  Left the kids with the nanny and they ended up staying up until we returned.  At least they didn’t bother the other kids.  And we got into a taxi accident on our way home to them!! A first for the Forharts.  And needless to say, us. 




  Sunday boarding our inside stateroom. Peyton: but we don’t have a window! How am I gonna know what’s going on?
Bye, Singapore!  

HK topper on wedding get a way car.  She’s everywhere!

  Sailing away onboard 








  Because we may never see a Peyton can we’ll have to settle for Mei Mei. 

 Brandon looking at the food: is this how it’s gonna be everyday? Brandon: “Daddy don’t touch the rail or I’m not going to sleep with you.” Heeding our warning to not touch railings etc in Asia. 

Sunday: Long lines to check in for cruise. Didn’t even know we’d set sail!! escargots for dinner each kid tried one. Peyton ordered seafood linguine and said, “Bye bye, little mussel.” Pictures overlooking Singapore. Waiter waited for Peyton to order food and wanted to hear her speak directly. Peyton slept by 830 on own but stayed awake long enough for most of the show. Brandon was done by dinner time.

Monday: day at sea. highlights include Peyton on the ship’s rock climbing wall, swimming and fancy dress night. Since she napped, we headed to the show again. Singing impersonator. Met girl named Ellie at the pool, and Ellie recognized Peyton as the girl from the show the night before. They talked in the pool and found out Ellie is five and her friend Emma is six. Brandon and Dave went to sleep right after dinner as Brandon didn’t take a nap. 

While roaming around on deck, we took these:


  And first rock climbing:

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First formal night:

Room selfies:




We came upon a sinking fishing ship but the captain said it had already been tagged and the coast guard notified.  This was in the middle of dinner!  Too much excitement on the trip so far. 



Our state room animal that greeted us after dinner.


Enjoyed Jonathan Clarke, an impersonator and singer, for tonight’s show.  He’s also married to last night’s performer.  

Tuesday: do you want to eat breakfast on our own or be served. P: I want to be served. KO samui. Exploring by van. Brandon upon seeing town at sea level: I hope there aren’t any tsunamis. Rented a passenger van to see temples and ride elephants before returning to the ship.  We went to a local restaurant for noodles.  Since it was cooked, we didn’t worry too much.  And the restaurant had wifi! Dave told me later that Brandon asked him why does their (our) elephant have five legs. From our restaurant view.  

      Temple: had to cover shoulders and legs out of respect for monks.  But it was so hot!!  
Huge catfish in that pond which the driver paid money to feed.  

  Kids dipping into the Gulf of Thailand and seeing elephants up close.  

                 The guide got off the head and Peyton slid down to take his place.  He took these pictures.  I swear she was going to fall off.  I squeezed her as tightly as I could.
Wednesday: Bangkok/ lamchaebang. Hired a car who took us to floating market in Pattaya. Then got stopped by police and money taken from driver. Then we hit up a Thai massage parlor where all the adults indulged in a two Hour massage. The kids entertained themselves individually and Peyton got a mini leg massage by the lady massaging my mom.  





 When we finished, we went in search of pad Thai. I’m convinced it doesn’t exist as we had two different kinds of noodles and pad Thai was not it. 

Didn’t go in.   While Mangosteens were checked off the list for our trip, we also tried a rose Apple before returning to the ship with air conditioning. I tried looking for wax apples and did not. No seat belts in car made it a bit harry. But we kept the kids in the second and third row seats to try out our seventies style seat belts. Ice cubes and water from Starbucks. We’ll see if they get sick. We got back and went to the pool while watching frozen. After dinner, we hung out at Beatles trivia. Brandon nicknamed Dave “Mr No Fun”. And when we asked him my name, he said, “you’re mrs yay fun”. But Brandon is mr no fun junior because I asked him if he wanted to join us for the evening fun and he declined. Dave was sore from the massage and wanted to either go to bed or the casino. Peyton lasted until the evening dance and singing show. Before the show started, she said she had to go potty. I let her alone thinking she was going to go to the one close to us. But when I checked, she wasn’t there! Finally she returned, and I asked her where she went. She said, “To our hotel! (That’s what she calls our stateroom).” She really knows her way around and can use her stateroom key. Peyton was happy to report our newest towel animal. A Dino! 


  Love how easily she adopted the Asian “V”. She also wants to eat in bed, so we’re going to order room service for breakfast since we have a later morning tomorrow. 


 Thursday: Sihanoukville, Cambodia 

Rented a van. This time with adequate air conditioning. Dropped off at a temple with little kids asking for money. And monks playing around. The kids were no older than ours and making change and selling goods. Then dropped off at a market. Peyton held her nose much of this time trying not to gag. The durian was over-powering. Then drove around until being dropped off at the beach. We ordered noodles and rice and Peyton was the only one daring enough to eat. She ate all the squid off the plates whole brandon was content playing video games. He was afraid of getting sick so he didn’t eat.   We let the kids go to the beach, where they were instructed to pee before the rest of our sightseeing. We saw some fancy casinos and then some monkeys eating coconuts. We headed back to the ship much to the agreement of Brandon who wasn’t fond of the smells or sights of Cambodia. He complained a lot about being hot and tired. Peyton slept in the car, but he was unable so he was cranky.  








  The evening meal tasted so good! Blueberry soup:

  Each night there was a fruit purée cold soup His own escargot dish ordered and eaten. 

 Evening selfies:


The evening entertainment: aerial act high above the center climb midship at the Centrum.  




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