Oh Croup!

Brandon started coughing a little after dance class on Friday.  Saturday the cough was a little worse and by Saturday night, it kept him (and us) up all night long.  It wasn’t just a usual cough, but this was like a barking dog or a seal.  At first I thought it was whooping cough, but when we called the advice nurse early Sunday morning, they said it was probably croup.  It was viral so there’s not much we can do.  Supposedly it is a virus that attacks the vocal chords and causes inflammation.  His voice was a little raspy, but it’s just the cough that scares me.  It almost seems like he is gasping for air.  We took him in on Sunday morning with the doctor, who said it was a “croupy” virus, while not the actual croup virus as his seemed more mild.  He didn’t have a fever, was playing and eating as normal.  Later in the evening on Sunday, we had Family Night at our house.  When Kenny, Rachel and Ben came over, Brandon was laid out on the floor, fast asleep.  He had been fussy, not listening to us, and gave up the fight right in the middle of the floor.   He woke up as James and Katie arrived; when he opened his eyes, all of us were standing over him, watching him sleep.  It must be unnerving to be in that situation; I know it would freak me out!

He did fine through dinner; we even ate outside (the doctor said the cool air will help relieve the swelling).  After dinner, we played guitar hero and then trivial pursuit pop culture and ate yummy birthday cake (yes, he enjoyed it as well).  He played really well with Kenny’s cousin, Ben, but after awhile, he started rubbing his eyes.  It was about 9pm or so.  Ben asked him if he was sleepy and wanted to go to bed.  He nodded, and got down from his lap.  He found his pillow that was in the living room on the floor and plopped down on it.  After a few pats on the back, he was out.  When everyone left, we took his temperature.  It was 100.2 – definitely a temp.  If it was over 102, we were to call back to the advice nurse to possibly bring him in.  So we gave him some Tylenol, then brushed his teeth.  He cried, such a sad, pathetic cry, then curled up and went to sleep. 
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Today, when he woke up, he still had a fever, so we gave another round of Tylenol, and my mom came down to stay with him for the day.  When I called at lunch, she said he was doing better, but not eating or drinking too much.  We had some Otter Pops in the fridge, so if worse came to worse, my mom can give him those.  Hmm…I wonder if that will teach him that whenever he’s sick, he gets to stay home and eat Otter Pops with Grandma.  I called and talked with him on the phone – I did hear, “Hi, Mommy!” then he put the phone down and went to go play.  It does sound like he’s getting better.

One Reply to “Oh Croup!”

  1. thanks again for having us over! so sorry to hear that B has a fever … get well soon! 🙂

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