The girls earned a trip to HH park and zoo for a camp out after hours, but first, the leaders wanted to do a “tester” with the girls for a camp out. Some of the girls have never been camping, while others are seasoned veterans. But to catch everyone up, one of the leaders hosted all the girls and then some, to her back yard last night. We were the first few to arrive, and it took Peyton all of 5 seconds to be acclimated before playing with her friends. Once more arrived, the girls all set up their big tent. All the girls would be staying in one tent, while the parents were all scattered about. I’d brought our two-man tent, but my plan was to snag a chaise lounge with my sleeping bag. It was a warm day, and projected to be a warm night, but I was concerned about dew. We did a gear check while it was still light, and turns out my bag from college days was still in good condition, at least okay for 35 degrees. I wanted to give Peyton the smaller one, since that would help keep her warm better. I had her pack up her own stuff, so she had her jammies, pillow and her Bugsy for night time. Big Hero 6 was projected on the side of the house along with popcorn. She did great watching the movie with her friends and enjoying her snacks. She asked to change in her jammies when her friends were changing, and then she volunteered for her toothbrushing sooner than later, after I suggested waiting until after the movie was done. She was all set for bed when it was “lights out”. I was worried about pottying, especially since she was drinking water to dilute the salty popcorn, but she went just before lights out, and again for a social potty run after official lights were out. I told her where I was in case she needed another break, but since it was so late, relatively, 1030 pm, it served as her nocturnal break. The adults turned in around 1130 pm after looking at the weather app which projected 40% rain at final bedtime. We were prepared to drag girls inside if needed, but we all went to our respective sleeping arrangements in any case. I had a hard time sleeping because I had two snoring moms on either side of me, who were dueling all night long. I asked the mom that slept right at the foot of the girls’ tent how it went. Only one girl ended up with her mom, and some did make potty runs. Peyton woke up cheery, and came over for a hug, but then went to go play again. I asked her later, and she said she didn’t get up overnight, only when the girls got up for morning time. I had to ask her “Did you get up when it was dark outside?” She said, “NO, only when it was daytime and my friends woke up.” The girls cooked breakfast – mixed pancake mix, cut tops off strawberries and quartered them, and cooked sausages on the BBQ grill. Adults served small cups of chocolate milk while they ate, while we had breakfast and coffee. They cleaned themselves up and returned to play while adults socialized. The HH trip was planned for August 22nd, which is when Dave and I had planned to see Babyface. I was disappointed, but the leaders suggested just because I couldn’t go, that Peyton should get to, especially since she was top cookie earner. I told them I’d talk to her and see. After helping put the food away, and packing up her own things, we said thank you and good bye. She earned a patch for “Backyard Camping.” She told me when we got into the car, “I just want to go home and lie on the couch.” I told her she had to change her dirty clothes first. I knew taking a bath would be too much for her. She’d showered up before going over last night, so she was semi clean. She’s watching tv now, but I feel a nap coming up, though it’s only 1030 am.
While we drove home, I was talking up the HH trip. I told her she earned her spot on the trip, and wouldn’t it be a shame to miss it. I told her I had to miss it, but that didn’t mean SHE had to miss it. She slept next to Sophia S. and she said they played at bedtime with their stuffed animals, Perry the platypus and Bugsy. So, I told her she had a choice to either 1) go to grandma’s and miss out, or 2) go with one of the leaders and the troop to HH. I held my breath while she thought about it, which was all of a second, and she said, “I don’t want to go to Grandma’s. I want to go to HH with my troop.” I warned her once she made up her mind, she could not change it. I gave her the run down of how the schedule may look, and she was still on board with the plan. She’d also earn another badge for learning about animals at the park. She kept asking about rides, but I told her there was special Daisy girl scout programming that would be done so that they could earn their animal badge. I told her that it was something special that we couldn’t just do it on our own, so she had to do it with the troop. Hopefully she doesn’t think she’s just going on rides, because I don’t think that’s happening. I just emailed her leaders to tell them that she’s on board. We’d have to leave early in the afternoon that Saturday to drop Brandon off, then would return before they were done at the park, hopefully, on Sunday. I’m excited for her to take this next big step, and I told her about it. I even told her I’d give her a camera to take pictures, since I’d be missing out myself. Here are the pictures from last night and this morning.
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