First Day

Our travel day wasn’t too bad. My mom and Brandon dropped us off at the airport at 730 and we had four hours to kill before our flight. We had tickets to the red carpet club but we had to go through security twice as a result.  We went through to get to the club. Peyton wasn’t impressed with the food but ate a light dinner there.  We brushed our teeth there then after a couple of hours, checked out and returned to our side of the international terminal. We had an hour on that side and played crazy rights and had her spell and read some.  Once on the plane, the flight was only three plus hours.  Not long enough to fully sleep. Luckily, we had a thin girl sitting in the window seat, while Peyton took middle and I took the aisle.  She laid out across her seat and mine. We arrived in Minneapolis and deplaned at H1.  Then we walked over to H4 to look at the terminal screen only to find out that we were right back on H1. I gave her the choice of breakfast or going back to sit on our gate. We checked a bag through to get priority boarding since we were going to our final destination.  I didn’t want to risk losing the bag in the first leg since all our clothes were packed together in one bag.  We got on this time as window and center seats.  A group with Down’s syndrome came on and Peyton started to stare.  One girl sat down next to me.  I hesitated starting to converse since I wanted to sleep the flight.  She had a chocolate bar and Peyton was staring at that for awhile. Once we were airborn, both of us slept.  I didn’t sleep much the first flight, even though it was dark since I didn’t want her kicking the girl.  But because she had the plane wall, I slept fine even though it was super bright out. We landed and took the opportunity for a potty run without the bag since we went before picking it up at the carousel. Dave told me the cab ride was almost thirty dollars the night before.  But it may be more because of traffic.  Or there was public transportation to a station near our hotel.  But it required a bit more brain power. I decided to try the latter.  One can buy a weeklong subway pass for $19.  Peyton is free because she is a kid.  So I bought my pass and headed out after getting our bag. I’m not one to use public transportation but I’ve been duped in cabs too. Especially since Peyton would be without a car seat.  We jumped on the bus that would take us to our station. One family did the same and got off at the first stop. They later boarded again another so to later.  They walked from the front to the back of the same building they said. So they realized their oops by seeing us sitting in the same seats.  Peyton recognized them, too since they had tween aged girls. We finally made it to our stop. We went to look at the map and couldn’t find our “stop”.  I then googled it and was informed I needed to go above ground.  From there, we were less than a half mile away.  No problem!! Peyton was getting hot and bothered so I breezed by the food trucks that were all parked near the grassy square.  I checked into the hotel, dropped off our stuff and sun blocked us.  It took us awhile to head out again, about an hour and that translated to a long wait for us. Each truck had anywhere from 10-30 people in line.  All business types.  We ended up finding a not as crowded one closer to the hotel.  It was a Vietnamese inspired so Peyton wanted soup noodles.  It was about 85 degrees out so I convinced her to get a noodle salad.  I got a tofu pineapple curry over salad. We took it back to the room and ate. It was so yummy! And spicy.  So glad she didn’t get it.  Her pork was yummy, too.  I told her to take a nap and then we’d head out to explore.  I set the alarm for 1.5 hours and she blew through that.  It ended up being more like two hours.  So we headed in search of Faneuil hall. It was less than a mile away.  No problem!! She whined a bit but I had her help me navigate and look for streets.  We made it there and looked at the public market, too.  We went to the Make Way for Ducklings children’s book store.  We found some signed copies of books, two for B and two for P.  They are books in a series that they are both aware.  From there, she wanted to go home.  But I convinced her to go to the “real” make way for ducklings. It is a statue in the park. It was another mile or so away.  More whining but then a cold bottle of water took care of that.  Also having her carry her own camera.  We stopped to take pictures along the way then suddenly, we were there!  We stopped for pictures and also saw the swan boats.  We were too late for a ride but at least we know where to go back to catch the ride.  We headed back to the hotel for yet another mile walk. As we arrived at the subway station entrance where we started this morning, she knew.  “we’re almost home!!”   I was surprised she learned our area so quickly. We saw only one food truck: “Cookie Monstah”. I asked the man if he’d be there longer. He said he was closing soon since he was running out of some items.  I made the game time decision to get it now.  We’d try to save Dave some.  Peyton wanted ice cream and one cookie. I got a cookie sandwich. She got a sugar cookie and Milky Way ice cream while i picked the coffee Oreo and PB and salted caramel cookies.  It was supposed to come on two chocolate cookies but they ran out. We ate and walked the few blocks back. While she was eating, she exclaimed, “Wow, this is delicious!!”   We arrived at the hotel around 6.  Neither of us could finish our cookies!! We were overcome by the cookie monstah!!  Dave wasn’t back yet so we headed down to the pool. I told Peyton she needed to swim eight laps.  When we checked the pool earlier no one was there.  Now only one kid and mom were there.  It was a lap pool that was 3-4 feet deep.  I ended up swimming a few laps with her.  When Dave arrived, I had him time us.  Peyton’s fastest was 23 seconds.  I clocked in at 17 but her technique is still much better.  We got out by 7 and showered up. We headed out for dinner with Danielle. They had chowder and a salad while I had the lobster roll. Peyton had a corn dog and a salad. She couldn’t finish.  I told her we couldn’t have dessert but her meal came with it. I asked the server to bring her the fruit instead.  Peyton reminded me, “Because we cannot have any more dessert today.” She brought out the fruit – blueberries and mango squares.  Blueberries and other berries are plentiful in the northeastern coast per our dining partner from NJ. She ate all those with some sharing to help.  Then we hung out at the hotel bar to have Dave and Danielle eat their dessert.  They had a rhubarb tart with honey ice cream.  After they were done, we headed upstairs.  But she is not tired now. Though she is yawning which is a good sign. It may rain tomorrow so we’ll have to plan our events accordingly. We had a good day considering how tired we started out. 

 Our red eye selfie.    

  2. Faneuil hall.   
  3. The public market. Quincy market.       
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  5. Statue commemorating the Irish plight in coming to America. 
  6. Frog pond pool in Boston common. Brown water that peyton said “is disgusting!”  
  7. Boston was founded 379 before this one…
  8. Make way for Ducklings and their plus one.                    
  9.  Dave is hopping between beds since Peyton went to his.  I wouldn’t go over to change places so he came to me. But he soon realized that she takes us less room. Duh.   So he’s got this for now.  Can you tell she’s tired? He took it for blackmail purposes in her teen years.  

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