Day Four

Since Dunkin donuts was closed yesterday, I told Peyton we’d head out to our destination and find a DD wherever we were.  She wanted to go to the one in the opposite direction, but we headed up to the shopping district.  We went through Chinatown and found the DD.  we stopped in, and it was most bizarre experience.  Peyton didn’t get up until after 11 though I’d set the alarm for 930.  Ridiculous!!  It was 11:45 when we were eating our breakfast.  I just needed a coffee to get started but enjoyed the donut I’d gotten. Peyton had a pink one with sprinkles.  Most everyone else was eating lunch.  We didn’t get a full selection, I’m sure.  We headed on our way and got to the shops.  I kept my eye on the time, as I had plans for the Handel and Haydn show at three back at the church. We wandered through the shopping district but Peyton kept wanting to check out the churches!! One was seven dollars for me and free for her.  I didn’t want to go in, but she did so we compromised. We went to the gift shop.  We ended up at the end of the Boston  Marathon. Actually, I didn’t know it was the end at first. Peyton wanted to take a picture with the bronze turtle.  And the the bronze rabbit. It was only later when I saw a flyer on famous sites with the two in the same picture that I thought, “Oh! Got it! The tortoise and the hare.”  Peyton said she knew the hare was  sleeping!! We went shopping then i offered her lunch.  We stopped in the Shake Shack, which is last had when we took Brandon to NYC in 2007. The line wasn’t as long as back then, since it was now 1 pm.  My plan was to take food to the Commonwealth mall to eat there.  I saw their custard flavor of the week was blueberry corn.  I got Peyton a chicken dog and I got a small custard for us to share.  We walked two blocks and ended up on a park bench.  Peyton said, “You have no food!” I was saving calories to try the custard.  Sad.  She wasn’t that hungry either, so she ate about 3/4 of the dog. I took a bite, then we split the custard.  I’d gotten an extra cup so it wasn’t as messy.  It also allowed her to savor as she usually does.  After we were done, we walked to the mall with the other shops.  I hadn’t bought anything for myself until then.  I went looking for fancy work out clothes, but I didn’t see anything that I really wanted.  Maybe I was saving it all for what I really wanted.  The bag I’d looked at on Tuesday.  I chatted with a different sales person this time.  And I was sold!! The sales associate went to go get a clean bag and dust bag. Peyton asked me the price, but I told her we don’t ask other people that.  And to not ask so loudly.  She looked at me and replied, “So it’s a lot.”  I nodded my head.  She understood.  

We had just enough time to potty and then hustle back over to the church for the performance.  We were there two minutes after three as she couldn’t keep pace. I thought it was going to be an orchestra, but it was a vocal performance.  Peyton still enjoyed it.  It was hot in there, too!  I didn’t remember they’d not have AC.  I tried to fan her, but the poor thing had beads of sweat pouring down her forehead. She didn’t complain about being hot because she was seated.  After four songs and thirty minutes later, it was done.  We went around the grounds and looked at the cementary and notables buried there.  It was shady there. I asked her if she wanted to go back to the library, which was a mile away from where we were, back where we came from. Or go to the hotel, less than a mile away and swim. If we’d had more time before the performance, we would’ve gone to check out the kids’ section of the library that we missed the first time. She wanted to go to the hotel.  And just lay around.  No swimming.  I told her no laps. She agreed. We got home at 430 just in time for Dave to get home. We all went down to the pool where Dave watched from outside while I got in. It was much more crowded this time.  Danielle showed up, too. We stayed about 45 minutes before heading up to shower.  Dave found a Bostonian place to eat.  We walked over and ordered a bunch of food to share.  Peyton’s kid meal was cod with risotto and veggies.  Not the standard kids fare for sure!  And much healthier choices to counteract all the other junk she’s eating.  She loved it!  There were also “big kid” portions, smaller than adult but bigger than a kids meal though her portions were pretty good siZed. She shared our lobster mac and cheese, beet salad and clam chowder and was happy! We walked over to little Italy to the dessert place we missed two nights ago.  We got more dessert to take back to the hotel and walked part of the freedom trail again.  She wanted to go from the beginning to the end tonight!! She want from falling asleep in the restaurant to wanting to hike 2.5 miles.  We wrapped up the evening at the hotel. The little girl walked almost 10 miles today in total.  I’m hoping I counteracted some of what we are today 😀

Her first Dunkin.   


  Tortoise, plugging away. 

  Hare. I guess he’s alseep. Or lounging around. 




  Trinity church where Samuel Adams was a parishioner.   
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  Commonwealth mall

  Gravestone at King’s church

  Daddy and Peyton on the Freedom trail 

Lobster mac and cheese:

  Peyton informed Dave that Paul Revere had 16 kids.  And two wives.  And he outlived all his kids except five of them. She didn’t recall other random facts. I think she was alseep by then. 

  Paul Revere’s house 

  Holy Canoli. 


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