
Today, we had Peyton’s sealant appointment at the dentist at 8 am. Brandon was excited that he didn’t have anything to do, except play on the ipad. Peyton did great despite the movie not working. She was opening her mouth as requested. I took a photo of her chin, which she munched on the edge of the pool yesterday with Dave. We finished up with the appointment, and then we headed to get Brandon’s height and weight before school starts. While we were on the road to work, I heard a screech, and then saw a minivan rear-end a prius. The prius’ bumper was pretty damaged. Luckily, we’d just gotten out of that lane to make our left turn to work. I used that as an example that you can never know what is going to happen and that they should lock their seatbelts for safety.
We got Brandon’s weight:
08/17/15 : 31.162 kg (68 lb 11.2 oz) (56.56 %*)
06/12/15 : 30.255 kg (66 lb 11.2 oz) (54.55 %*)
05/15/15 : 28.939 kg (63 lb 12.8 oz) (46.09 %*)

and height:
08/17/15 : 1.422 m (4′ 8″) (82.09 %*)
06/12/15 : 1.414 m (4′ 7.67″) (82.88 %*)
05/15/15 : 1.397 m (4′ 7″) (77.33 %*)

Calculated BMI: 15.5 or 30%.
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Brandon also mentioned to me that Grace is one inch taller than him. And that she had her growth spurt one year ago.

I got Peyton measured for height, as I was recently asked on her basketball registration form. She’s 48.5″. She wanted to get weighed, too, but it wasn’t necessary for anything. Then, we went to go eat. It was a stretch to get them to that point without breakfast, but both kids woke up later than usual, especially Brandon, at 7 am, despite going to sleep by 730 pm. We headed up to the acai bowl place. Brandon had mouthed off earlier in the day, so I told him Peyton got to order for them. I turned to her and told her she had to order herself. So, I gave her the menu first on my phone so she could decide. I told her she had to order on her own, and she said, “That’s okay, because I ordered on the cruise all week long!” Brandon said, “Yeah, but you KNEW them. You’re not going to know this person.” She was not deterred. I picked her up so she could see eye to eye with the server, and she said, “May I have a lime-a-licious, large, to split, please?” The server said, “Yes, you may. Good job!” I guess he knew what I was planning. We saw a pair of policeman, who had to check with us what school district we were in, as he knew his city’s schools were in already. I told him, “No truant kids here, not on my watch!” The kids set up shop behind the two motorcycle policeman, and I was set! No fooling around for them. I told them that they were being watched. They ended up watching the cycles and the traffic in the parking lot. After we were done here, we headed home for piano practice and quiet time. Peyton wanted lunch before nap, so we had lunch first. I sent her to nap, and Brandon said, “I’m tired, too.” He ended up sleeping before she fell asleep! I think he’s wiped out from yesterday’s race. I took a nap, too, and when we woke up, we all headed to the pool. It was empty as expected. I sat poolside, while watching the kids. Both took out their diving things, and dropped them into the 11 foot water. Both struggled to get the objects, with Peyton having to make several attempts before getting them. I warned her that she shouldn’t get it down there if she didn’t want to go get it. Then, Brandon said, “I want to go swim in the laps.” I chose the one without anyone in it, and he went for it! He did one full lap, out and back, and then came back over. He ended up doing another full lap later. Michelle had mentioned that Mckayla was interested in doing her own laps, and I didn’t think either of mine would. In fact, prior to leaving the house, he’d asked me for his tight swim shorts, so “I can swim faster.”

He had one race with Peyton, and she beat him. He was okay with it, but I think she had a head start. Later, some of the other kids they’ve played with before came into the pool. Peyton was less shy, going up to Ana to say hi. They stayed in there for an hour before I pulled them out by 5 pm. We showered Brandon up outside, then checked him into the kids’ club, while I took Peyton to shower up. We headed home, and Brandon was asking me if I knew where Daddy was. I told him he’s either on his way home from work or at home already. When we pulled up into the driveway, Dave’s car was already there. Brandon shouted, “DADDY!!!!!!” (still sounds like Will Ferrell in ELF when he sees Santa) Peyton said, “You love Daddy, right? He’s your favorite parent, right?” I knew the answer already. We had dinner, then played a bit of Kinect. Peyton read to me in bed, while I asked Dave to read to Brandon. Brandon said, “NO, I ‘m tired!” Maybe the kid is too tired growing…haha. Tomorrow is the last day of summer. Brandon reminded me that we need to show up to see who is their classes. We’re also going to go to the museum in the morning. We’ll see how the kids feel about it, if it’s too “kiddie” for them.


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