First Day!

Today, the kids woke up at their usual time, 630 am. Brandon even commented, “I didn’t even sleep in today!” I’d already set my alarm, as I was just as excited, and I wanted to show up early to get pictures before it got too crowded or before their friends saw them. I didn’t want to go too early, so we left right around 740 am. We walked in, and we went straight to the front of the school. Then, we took our pictures (Brandon said, ‘only two’). I took a few more than that, and then they raced off to their respective lines. They were to put their bags down, then go to the blue tables to wait until 8 am, when the yard duties come out. Both did that, then I interrupted them to take a picture in front of our marquee, which we’ve done the last few for Peyton, and last several for Brandon. So, they unwillingly went with me. I took a few more, then of Brandon again in the front of the school because I thought the other pictures may be blurry. The bell rang, and then they went to play. But instead of playing with their own friends, they kind of hung back and watched the other kids together. I watched them like you would watch animals in the wild, from a distance, not wanting to encroach on their personal space, but still close enough to see them interact. I then tried to not look like I was stalking them, and turned to my phone instead. Soon, Peyton came up to me and asked if she could just wait in her line. She had been first, so she stood where her backpack was. The teacher came out, and soon Karlee arrived. I talked with her parents, while the girls waved at each other. Then, as soon as the 815 am bell rang, the kids walked away with their teacher. I didn’t want to follow the class, though most of the other parents did. I wanted to play it “cool”. We headed to the multi for coffee with the principal. I was able to chat with other people in line for coffee, and then we listened to the principal’s short introduction, along with that of the vice principal. It was hard to hear as some people were being chatty even though asked for silence by the principal. I ran into V’s mom, and we talked for quite awhile out the door and on the way to the car. I realized I’d never seen Brandon off in line, but it was hard to split time between the two of them. He would be less inclined to have me there anyway, though G’s mom had texted me last night to tell me that G and Brandon would be in class together and that we’d see each other on the first day of school. The first day went off without a hitch. The kids were super excited, and it was a great start to the new year. Here are the pictures I took with the big camera. I didn’t have enough hands to take iphone pics, so the upload was a bit on delay. I headed to the gym for a couple of hours! I walked 2 miles, then went to an hour long class, and walked another 2 miles while chatting with an ex-KP pharmacist. I still had time to go home and shower up, eat lunch, and then go get the kids. We practiced piano, read, and Peyton and I were making our pizza for dinner when Dave came home to get Brandon to his first baseball practice for the fall. Brandon had some homework that he immediately started on when he got home. It was an information sheet about himself, but I was proud of him for taking the initiative.   We ate dinner, then we even played a few minutes of the Disney kinect game before we headed to the park, too. Dave and Tom were just chit-chatting watching the coaches do their thing. This is the first year Brandon has played without Dave or Tom as his coach. He was doing great, though, especially as the “new guy” along with Hana. He seems to respond better to the current coach, who is firm, but a nice guy. He doesn’t yell like his previous coaches 😉
We all came home together, and Peyton was the first to go shower up. I braided her hair, and got her ready for bed telling her I’d see her tomorrow after school. I’m going to go back to my usual early AM routine starting tomorrow.
Here are the pictures from today:

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Whole wheat pizza dough, fresh figs, honey goat cheese, butternut squash, tomatoes from my mom’s friend’s garden, prosciutto and kale. Kale added five minutes in to avoid burning it.  Perfectly crispy “like kale chips”, she said.    

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