First Round: Check!

Brandon told me today that, “I wasted another lunchtime.” I asked him why. He said, “I made it past my first round of application for student council. I qualified.” That meant that he had fill out another application listing why he wanted to do student council. He has progressed beyond “Because my mom made me”. You’re not able to call out other people either for good news or bad. He was adamant about it, as Dave was trying to tell him to say why he is better than another candidate. Brandon didn’t want to run a smear campaign. Dave had to re-phrase it, and when he asked, “Why should we vote for YOU?” Brandon was able to better answer the questions. Here is what he came up with. He now listed as, 1) leadership award – I’ve earned it for three years, and it takes a leader to do this job, 2) I want to be involved in school activities, and 3) I want to help the school to be a better place than it is now, and I want you to vote for me.
He wanted me to film it, so that he could review it. It’s his first practice at it. It’s supposed to be under a minute.
Next, he told me that he has new table partners based on his application. I asked who else was at his table. He mentioned one boy that he had on his application, and then G. She’s kitty corner to his table. Something tells me he is having a great year so far.
Here’s the video:

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he’s going to work on eye contact next đŸ™‚

From yesterday, there was a line in the Lion King that said, “The cat came back”, and Peyton said, “Get it, like the song?” I’m not sure where she heard the song, maybe at school, but it was funny that she caught the reference. She also wanted to know why Pumba said, “Not in front of the kids.” I told her they were talking about farts. She said, “But I already know about farts!” There were a few other innuendos that she may have missed.

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