
G’s mom texted me this afternoon in hopes that I could relay a message to G from her. She thought B and G were still in drama together. They are not I informed her. I told her he was doing band as his performing art. G was given the opportunity, but declined in favor of drama. Later, I texted G’s mom to make sure everything worked out okay with pick up, since she’d tried to get a hold of her before she left. She said everything worked out just fine. I texted her to congratulate G on her victory in the primaries. And most of the times, undergoing through those medications become unavoidable. cost of viagra prescription Genuine kamagra is very expensive and not everyone can afford the cialis for sale online made by Pfizer. page discount cialis Take care to dry thoroughly between toes. Hence, for the betterment of intercourse this drug is developed, so that a person will have good intercourse which click content on line levitra fulfill your as well as partners desires too. She told me “When she told me who she was running against we were like isn’t there another position you’d like instead??? You can’t run against your friend!” I texted back that we’d told HIM the same thing! At least we’re on the same page đŸ™‚ I told her I was trying to convince Brandon to run for class rep. She was supportive of the idea, but I think we have to wait for the rest of G’s run. Later, I FB’d G’s mom, and we learned we have mutual friends outside of school! A friend of a friend from UCLA is married to a guy that went to high school with G’s dad in Hawaii. And his cousin was the best man of their wedding! Totally small world. Brandon saw texts coming up on my phone, and he saw the notifications and said, “You’re texting G’s MOM?! About me?” I told him we text all the time, but it’s not necessarily about him. All the time. Then, I showed him pics on FB, and both of them crowded around the computer to look.

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