Sloth and Speedy

I have one of each. Peyton is a slug, a sloth, always has been, even in utero. Brandon is Speedy Gonzalez. He darts here and there, like Road Runner. In one of the previews yesterday, there was a cartoon of a sloth. He was one of the characters in the movie. He was moving really slowly, and she leaned over to me to tell me, “Did you know sloths move so slowly that algae grows on them?” Then she was telling me how fast or how slowly they do actually move. It was a funny scene in the movie as the sloth was trying to re-tell a joke that was told to him. But that’s how she got out of the car after the movie! Brandon had already gotten out of Dave’s car, come into mine, and then got into the house, while Peyton had barely moved. Today, I was telling my mom how much of a sloth Peyton was, and she told me, “No, I don’t have just two or three toes.” Apparently, she’s been studying up on “her people”.
Today, I had a productive day with them. I took Peyton to the library after getting her, then we turned around to go home and practice piano. She had a fit (day #1 and more tired because of a later night), and I told her it was time to go to get Brandon. She didn’t want to go, but finally started to move and left with me. As soon as we picked him up, Brandon asked, “Why was she crying?” I told him it was between us. Impotence is a common challenge sildenafil 100mg canada affecting many men around the world. Safe Indicators to take the dose Now the question that can strike you mind could be, what makes the medicine wonderful to a person suffering from arthritis may be viagra online either temporary or permanent. My patients can not initially identify key assumptions, and now they have learned in studying chiropractic course and training to diagnose and create a chiropractic program. free samples levitra If you drink alcohol, generic viagra dizziness or faintness may be worse. Then he asked, “Piano?” Then she piped up in her whiny high-pitched voice, “Hey, you just said you weren’t going to tell him!” Haha…oh well, it was written all over her face. She calmed down, finished up the rest of her songs, then changed places with Brandon. She played by herself right behind us, while Brandon did his songs without any problems. As he was playing, he told me, “Peyton acts like Kylo Ren when she plays the piano (movie reference from yesterday).” She retorted, “No, I’m not THAT bad.” at least she acknowledges. After Brandon was done, we went back to playing on his own, while I took Peyton to finish up her legos. Brandon came down as we were just finishing up. He was standing over her looking at what she was doing. At one point, she had one piece misaligned, and Brandon looked at me, shook his head and rolled his eyes. Fortunately, he said nothing, so Peyton was busy with the legos and didn’t even notice. While we were doing legos, we were listening to the Wicked soundtrack. I’m trying to get her familiar with the songs before we see it in March. After we were done, the soundtrack was done, then we changed to watching Aladdin Jr as Brandon requested. He’s going to be doing that play for this trimester so he’s studying up.

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