Poor Peyton, no poops for 3 days! Since we’ve started solids, I was afraid we’d gone overboard and stopped her up. It was enough for me to call the advice nurse. She’d been grunting and straining, but no go. I’d been giving her prunes lately, but still nothing. The advice nurse told me to give her juice. She said that would help her go. She suggested prune juice, then pear, grape or cherry. I’ve never seen cherry juice before. She said to avoid bananas and apples (basically the reverse of the BRAT diet). She said we could also use a glycerin suppository. The last thing she said was that if Peyton’s tummy was hard or if she started vomiting, it was time to call back. My last question was how long should I wait before I really begin to worry. The answer: 7 days. Man, that’s a long time.
So that was our errand today. We went to the drugstore first, hoping to find both juice and suppository. I didn’t see any baby juices that didn’t have apple in it. While in the baby area, I didn’t see any laxative things either. So I went to the adult laxative aisle and found little pediatric suppositories. They are half the dose of the adult ones, and maybe half the length? My last stop before letting Brandon look at the toys was the juice aisle. I did find prune juice, and getting it The uses of alcohol, smoking, tobacco, viagra canada and illegal drugs have great influence of carrying this sexual complication. Sperm counts can viagra store in canada be boosted up to a great extent. Different forms of Kamagra: Kamagra oral jelly comes cialis from canadian pharmacy in many flavors as well including pineapple, strawberry, orange, banana and mint. There are several types of herbal teas available in the market, for example chamomile tea, peppermint brand viagra from canada tea. reminded me of some little old lady drinking it to regulate her bowels. Peyton is a granny before her time. I was anxious to go home and try it. I poured out 2 ounces and mixed it with just over 2 ounces of water. I popped the bottle in Peyton’s mouth and she drank a little bit. Then she started to gag. And she spit up a little bit. So was the “vomiting” due to the drink or should I start to worry now? Brandon never had these GI issues, so this is still all brand new to me. Peyton ended up only drinking about half of the watered down juice. I tried to give her more, but she ended up gagging each time. I had her finish the rest of the plums from the rest of the jar I had started this morning. Nothing. She was getting progressively more cranky. I didn’t want to give her the suppository until Dave came home. I figured it’d be a mess, so I wanted to wait until I had another set of hands, for Brandon-duty. Dave came home, then we put Peyton in the crib, while we got Brandon fed. She started getting fussy again, so I went to go check on her. I checked her diaper, and we had success! A huge success. Have to figure out what to do with the rest of that juice. It’s potent!
And now she’s hungry!!