Signs of autumn

It’s been fall now for a little while, but it’s really beginning to show especially through Brandon’s eyes.   We have the Halloween costume all ready, and Dave bought a larger pumpkin than the one in the picture.   It was sitting on the table on day, and Brandon noticed and said, “Big pumpkin!”  Hopefully we can go to the pumpkin patch and watch him and see what he does.  He loves the sound of the leaf blower and can now identify it from a mile away!  There’s usually one right across the street from home and also across the street at school.  So he always looks out the window here to see if he can see it.  When he doesn’t hear or see it, it’s “Leaf blower all gone”.  Otherwise, when he does hear it, he’ll point in the general vicinity and get so excited – like he’s holding his breath!  “Leaf blower, leaf blower!”  We will watch it for a second before going to school.  He just loves it.  It’s also starting to rain more, so we have his yellow slicker all ready.  Luckily we got it big enough earlier this year, so he can still fit it.  We’re trying to teach him the 8 clap – he’s getting better about counting to 10, but somehow today, skipped “6”.  When we ask him to give us a big thumb’s up, he shows us his two pointer fingers – points them straight up.  He should know his thumbs since he sucks them!  Still learning.  He’s also into fall cleaning – the other day, he said, “Home Daddy vacuum cleaner”.  He’s fascinated, yet scared, of the vacuum.  Eventually, I think this will be his first chore.  Today, my mom went with us to Mommy and Me.  She was taking pictures.  Most of them were a little blurry – Brandon is too fast for the shutter, but there was also another professional-looking photographer there, too.  Hopefully he got some better pictures!  Dave, please fix the quality! 

Itsy-bitsy spider

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