Last Weekend Day

This morning, I took Brandon out on the field to work on speed drills. He’s the slowest kid on his team, and there really isn’t a reason for it. He’s slim, and lanky, so he should be fairly quick. Other kids play soccer, and I think that gives them quick feet. So, I started timing him and having him run from home to first. After a few tries, I let him rest and gave him the phone to time me. He didn’t like that, so he got back out there for a few more tries. Then, he went all the way around to try to beat 16 seconds. That’s the benchmark his coach had given him. He was in cleats and baseball pants, with his helmet, trying to simulate practice and real life events. I was in running shoes, and I was concentrating on not eating or sliding in dirt while running but I still got him! He told me it was going to be awhile before he was faster than me. After about 30 minutes or so, we called it a day. I had written his times down against mine for reference and to see if he could improve. We changed and headed out for breakfast. I’d taken Peyton to ST in the past for breakfast, so I figure it was his turn. He out-ate me almost two platesful this morning. I was enjoying coffee and my plate, and he continued on. We came back, and I had suggested since we were staying out late that he take a nap. He didn’t disagree, and after a few more worksheets, he did just that. I was trying to stay awake to make sure he did sleep. I think he did for almost an hour, then it was my turn. He closed his door and played while I snoozed. When I woke up, we played two more games of labyrinth before it was time to go. In the meantime, Peyton had been texting me. Initially, I thought it was my mom, but it turned out that it was Peyton. I wanted to wait until FB “told” Dave where we were heading, and I wanted to wait to tell her, too. But she’s more nosy than him, and she got it out of me later on. More on that…

I decided last minute to go to the game today. I emailed a friend to see on the off chance she was going, as I know they share season tickets. She emailed back she was! Otherwise, my options were train and/or drive and find meter parking. But to carpool and have someone else to go with was great! They came to get us at 3 pm, and they live very close to us! We were all ready to go, and we had bleacher seats, so i had to prepare Brandon. I warned him it could get a bit rowdy. We arrived at the park, walked a few blocks to get in (free street parking!) and then had plenty of time to walk around. We were early enough to get our giveaway – “Vintage” hats. Brandon wanted to wear his in lieu of his Local Motion Hawaiian hat. I was surprised! We got to the bleachers just as BP was wrapping up. Brandon wanted to watch, and I realized we should have brought his glove, since there was a potential for homeruns out there! And it was more of a safety issue! We walked around a bit more, then Brandon wanted to just sit in our seats. Jenny and Bob sat with us for a little bit, then about 30 minutes before game time, they headed out to their seats. Brandon and I went potty before the game, and then were back in time for the National Anthem. It was super sunny, and though I’d warned Brandon about the cold, he chose to wear shorts. At least he had his sweatshirt, and he held our homemade sandwiches in his kangaroo pocket. We brought water into the stadium as well. I offered him one thing to buy for food, and the choice was either caramel corn or garlic fries. But he had to wait 6 innings for that. He didn’t ask again, as he knew what 6 innings were. He had to clarify top, middle or bottom, but I told him I wanted to see the Giants at bat, so it had to be after 6 innings. He said, “So that’s like waiting until the 7th inning, really.” Yup, he got it. We were sitting between Dodgers fans, and to my left, were loud and drunk ones, who also happened to be with Giants fans in their party. But the drunker they got, the more spilled beer happened in front of them. The three in front of them ended up leaving, pretty upset. I think they were moved to better seats. At some point in the game, when he knew it was safe, he took off the SF hat and put his Local Motion one back on. He was chatting up the Dodger fan that was a bit more subdued. He had remembered that Corey Seager got a few lucky calls, and the guy agreed. I hadn’t even been paying attention that closely! He knew the batting order of the Dodgers and was able to tell me who fielded what ball. From where he was, he couldn’t see the backs of the jerseys, but he still knew who they were. I had to check against the Jumbotron, and sure enough, he was right. He was chatty all night long, either to me or to the guy next to him! There were some other rowdy fans who had to be talked to be event staff, so Brandon was interested in that, though they were not saying nice things or using appropriate hand gestures. Unfortunately, he already knows the hand gestures, but equally knows that they are inappropriate. After 6 innings, we headed down to get fries. We split them, and ate them before the end of the inning. By then, the game was getting interesting, with the teams scoring. The giants were up 2-0 by the time we went down for fries, and the Dodgers had come back by the time we had come back with them. By the 8th inning, Jenny texted that there were two seats open next to them. We were going to meet at the statue at the end of the game, but I felt more comfortable sitting by them at the end of the game, both for convenience in finding them and also because it was warmer where they were under the overhang. Once the sun went down, it went from hot to very cold, pretty quickly. Brandon was sitting on my lap for warmth. We waited until the last pitch, then we all headed out. I thought he wouldn’t make it through the ride home, but he was still hanging in. When we got home, he just wanted to go to sleep. He did brush teeth first, then he made a bee line to his bed. Hopefully he gets up on his own tomorrow, as we have a full day, with work, CDC “camp” , and baseball practice after. Peyton will come home tomorrow, too, if she gets on their flights.

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He considered making a break for it but I reminded him how slowly he ran the bases, and he gave it a second thought. 

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