Welcome back!

Late post: somehow this didn’t get posted when I first typed it.  

This was the Monday Peyton returned from DC.  
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During work, my mom had texted that she was back. She helped me get Brandon to practice. I did stop by practice first then told him I’d go home and change then come back to get him and refill water.  He was fine with that. I went home, put the key in the door, and as soon as I did, she came running off the couch with a “Mommmeeeeee!”   My baby was back!  She gave me a huge hug while I stood there still holding my purse and lunch bag.  It was really sweet.  She buried her head into me and just soaked in the hug.  She showed me what she brought back.  Then I showed her the new game and got her dinner ready.  I took off with instructions to shower up by the time i got back. When we got home,  I did help her brush her teeth and did her hair. Then she went to bed.  And was sleeping before 745.  She had transitioned to EST.  I’ll have to upload some of her pictures later.  Tomorrow both kids will be at GA and then have practice.  We’ll have to go get them early from the park so they can make practice on time.  Early morning for me thanks to grandma for dropping them off! 

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