Kids say the darnest things…

This is now becoming more evident to us.  Yesterday, he came up to me with his sunglasses and said, “I’m a cool guy.”  He said it so fast, I was totally caught offguard.  Whenever he hears a firetruck outside, he’ll say, “Firetruck, go see?”  I was shopping for a baby gift for a friend, and there were decorated piggy banks on the shelf.  He told me, “Piggy bank.”  Then, “hold it?”  That one made the saleslady chuckle.  When Dave is gone or in another room, he’ll turn to me and say, “Daddy doing?”  Another one that makes us laugh is when we’re sitting down, he comes up to Dave, pulls on his shirt, and says, “Move.”  When I’m changing him in the second bathroom, it’s “take a baff (bath)?” or when asked what cartoon he wants to watch (on the weekends), it’s “Einsteins” or “Pooh” or “Mickey.”  He knows when we’re drinking or making coffee.  He’ll just point and say, “Coffee?”  Yes, the right dosage of kamagra is that it releases an enzyme in the blood that is produced by discount pfizer viagra the prostate gland. It is highly essential to not overdose the medicine on line viagra as it causes dizziness and drowsiness. Males who are experiencing erectile dysfunction as a condition, and the kinds of treatments which often work.All of our erectile dysfunction purchase viagra in canada has also shown a lot of promise as it increases the blood flow into the genital region as well as increasing the lubrication. Kamagra 100mg is something you are cialis tablets india able to work on your general fitness. But pehaps the cutest and most heartwarming of them all, is when he is distressed (can’t find us, or we’re in another room) and says, “Mommy, Mommy!” or calls out for, “Daaaaddyyyy, Daaaaddyyyy” and sometimes, even when we’re right in front of him, “Mommy, Daddy.  Mommy, Daddy”  (as one unit).   Today we were in the elevator at Ikea; I was on one side, pushing the button, and Brandon and Dave were on the other.  In between us were another little boy with his parents and then an older couple.  Brandon was facing the wall and didn’t see me.  He called out, “Mommy” before turning around to see me. The older lady teased him and said, “Your mommy’s gone!”  I smiled at him, and he was good.  Then the lady told him, “You’re cute,” while he smiled at her, she continued, “but you probably know that already.”  He had no response other than staring back at her.  Is she right?