Brother problems

When you grow up with an older brother, you definitely have your work cut out for you.
Peyton’s next division will be working on sliding. So Dave bought her some sliding tights for protection. Think biker shorts that go under her regular baseball pants. Brandon has them too, but he wears “protection” in the sliding pants. So, Peyton pulls them up to try them on, then asks Dave, “Where’s my cup?” Dave looked at her and said, “You don’t need a cup!”

On other notes…Peyton will not have any traditional homework in the second grade. She will be instructed to play piano, enjoy family time, practice typing (she says she’s at the top level on the typing test, but was stuck all day on one level and crying about it until she finally got enough accurate and fast to achieve 4 stars; her teacher told her she couldn’t move on until she got 4 stars, even though the level opens up after you’ve achieved 3), or read together. So, we’ll have more creative ways for Peyton to do her work.

Brandon’s class has nothing but homework. As I sat at back to school night, after the presentation, the mom next to me turned and said, “I don’t know what you’ve been doing at home, but Brandon has totally changed since kindergarten.” I guess he used to pester / bully her daughter to the point she had to get teachers and administration involved. She added, “in a good way!” I think she could tell in my face that I was a bit horrified. Mortified. Embarrassed. I managed to squeak out, “Yes, he’s a work in progress. We work at it every day.” Well, that’s always “nice”. This was the second time this year that a mom has noticed and spoken out about it. Another was a mom whose kid is friends with Brandon, so at least it comes from a better place.

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Oh, and finally, happy 15 th anniversary to Dave and me 🙂 We’ll celebrate over the weekend, but for now, we had to take a slice of pie at home after eating leftovers since the kids ate pizza and we didn’t get home until late. Good thing they’d already showered and were mostly ready for bed. Brandon informed us that he had to study for his vocab test, even before I had a chance to remind him since I saw it up on the agenda for tomorrow.

Tomorrow’s Friday!!

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