Missing us 

It was a typical Friday. Taking the kids to school, watching the assembly then heading to work for a few hours. I came back to school to get Peyton then I got a text from H’s mom that she was running late talking to the neighbors. I didn’t respond soon enough before she called. As I was talking to her, the dismissal bell rang and I saw H looking for her mom.  I went to tell her what was going on and she was okay waiting with me. She and Peyton were just chatting away.  Soon, T arrived.  We were talking about their tree falling into the house when V came up to us with her teacher.  I’d talked to her and her mom earlier and found out she was going to DC.  She was concerned because she told her mom that she would be done at 230 but it was only 1245.  She said she wasn’t going to CDC because of her trip but didn’t know what to do.  She saw me with Peyton and told her teacher that i could help her. I let the teacher know I’d help her and called Joy. She didn’t answer so I texted.  She responded she’d be right over. So H and Peyton chatted while T and I did until joy came in. I told T she didn’t have to stay but we were talking about Dave and my upcoming trip to her hometown. Soon, Joy made her way over and we all headed in our separate directions. Meanwhile my mom was texting me that she was in front of my house and to de-alarm the house. I did so and then headed home to find our key in the door 😫.   

We all hung out after piano was practiced.  Until Dave got home early to send something out. We took Peyton to dinner since Brandon wanted to keep grandma company. Then we met up with the Tsui’s and the Chamkasem’s for dessert. The kids entertained themselves with board games while we all chatted.  

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