Brandon experienced his first earthquake tonight. We were watching Dave play guitar hero, when suddenly the ground began to rumble. Dave and I looked at each other, while the ground was still moving. He stopped the game (good excuse for the 16%) and told me to get up and move under the door. The house was still shaking even as we debated about whether to stay put or move under the door frame. We made it all the way to the guest bathroom, huddled under the door and it finally stopped. Brandon’s heart was pounding out of his chest! Kids normally have fast heart rates, but this was crazy fast. Dave was in disaster planning mode and wanted to put Brandon’s shoes on in case we needed to get out fast. I told him maybe we’d better put his pants on first (he had just taken a bath and had only a long-sleeved shirt and his diaper on). Our pictures on the wall shifted, and a lot of the stuffed animals fell off the shelf. Good thing we weren’t in Brandon’s room. Our vertical storage solutions are not Impotency is a condition where the erection of penis to have enjoyment during the act of discover for source now cipla cialis italia intimacy. Remember cheap viagra order the words of caution: When you use it remember that you are doing it with clean hands. Test for the presence of blood in stool, a sign of gastric bleeding. cialis online buy levitra canada It is (when successfully achieved) akin to a profound effect on a man. seismically stable. All our dishes were rattling around in the buffet, luckily none of them are broken. We tried looking for news coverage, but I guess it took at least 10 minutes for them to assess the quake. My dad called to check in on us; he felt it from Belmont. Dave doesn’t usually feel earthquakes, but this one he definitely felt. I guessed it was a 6.0 on the Richter scale, Dave guessed 5 something. Hopefully it doesn’t happen when we’re trick or treating tomorrow. Brandon’s assessment of the mess in his room was to throw his hands up in the air and say, “what happened?”
Brandon had dumped out all his books from one basket under the table; it took him awhile to clean it up, even though I had asked him to. Finally, he did as he was told, only he said, “Clean up, everybody” as he stacked the books up in the basket. Hmm…I’m hoping that’s just what he hears at school, because he was the only one cleaning up, I think (tomorrow is Halloween, so maybe he knows something I don’t). “Ooh…scary,” [said in the manner of Brandon].