
Brandon told me he couldn’t see the piano notes. I just thought it was his excuse, since he didn’t know the note names. But I made an appointment for him anyway last week on Friday. But it was the day I was trying to get my runners packet, so I postponed it until today. We were a bit late for the appointment, since I thought it was 330pm, but it was at 320 pm. So we waited until 4 pm. Peyton had a book to read, while Brandon was idle, and that’s never a good idea. He was rocking all over the place, and just antsy. The doctor finally called us back and inspected his eyes. After all was said and done, I knew glasses would be in his future! They will be reading glasses, since he seems to be far-sighted. She said kids who play sports outside can help themselves not be near-sighted because it forces them to look far away. I told him he shouldn’t read in bed or play on the phone for extended periods of time due to possible radiation from the screen, especially the closer the kids are to the screens. viagra sample pills There are many reasons which cause low sex desire in men. Kamagra Oral Jelly helps men in treating the erectile dysfunction (ED) should gain the ability cheap viagra australia Dosage and Prices to realize and keep up a firm and long penile erection. Erectile dysfunction is no longer a condition to be ashamed of. generic viagra online In fact, there is not a solitary instance during that time will only be futile. online buy viagra After the appointment, we went next door to look at frames. But not before running into Bonnie and Logan! I knew they’d have been there, but I didn’t think we’d be there as late as they were coming! We said a quick hi and bye before going to look at frames. The kids had a great time trying on the different pairs of glasses. Good thing we have a good employee discount in addition to the benefit we all get from our plan. For less than 100, he got a new pair of glasses. He wanted them NOW, but he was told he had to wait at least 1.5-2 weeks. They might be in while I’m gone, and he asked Dave to go get them with him. The total included the glasses with a 2 year warranty, which is a 50% replacement.
Here is Peyton trying them on. She wanted them, too! I told her to be careful what she wished for. She looked cute in all of them. Brandon not so much! He had specific ones he had in mind. The reveal for him will be later. 

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