Another Girl Scout opportunity 

Yesterday, while Brandon was at the big game in the rain, Peyton and I got to go to the humane society for a Girl Scout presentation for our Troop.  The docent explained why and when the humane society was established (for horses, 87 years ago in 1929).  But now, they have dogs, cats and rabbits. 

We got a tour of the facility and some girls brought donations. We stayed about two hours in total, then we came home to head to the Kong’s for a pre holiday get together. It was nice only having one kid since there were no sibling disagreements that we had to worry about.  We watched the Warriors game then headed to get Brandon. He was cold, wet and tired. Poor kid. He couldn’t stay warm despite having showered. We came home with two tired kids! 

Today, we had Peyton’s classmate’s birthday party at a semi outdoor ice skating park. They rented the inside, covered area but there were other kids there, too.  There were snacks and hot chocolate, and Peyton helped her friends by teaching them how to stand once they’d fallen. She was doing a great job on her own skates and even skated backward. 
I’d had a talk in the car with her about her worlds colliding in her upcoming basketball season. I found out another girl had asked to be on her team, making it at least 5 girls that she knows from either softball, school and now girl scouts. I reminded her she will know all of the girls, but they may not all know each other. I reminded her that she needs to be a good friend and facilitate all of their learning the game. I told her she can be aggressive and competitive in the tournament play with the boys, as they can probably take it. But with her girl friends, she has to tone it down. Dave thinks he needs a defensive presence in her, but I’m talking about spreading the ball around on the court and including all her friends. At the very least, she should not be the cause of someone else’s tears! So I was super proud of her for helping her friends up when they fell. And not just doing it for them, but SHOWING them. She reminded me that her current coach that it’s not about whether you win or lose, it’s about making the other team SWEAT! She’s practicing dribbling around her back now, and will get stronger with her left hand dribble.

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