Busy two days

Saturday morning was Winterfest at the fairgrounds. This is our third time, and we always seem to rush. We practiced piano then Peyton lagged getting ready. She delayed our outset, and I thought we were going to be late to our meeting spot.  But shortly after our trip on the freeway, I saw the Troop mom we were meeting.  So we followed her until we got stuck at the light. Instead of parking in the lot and waiting in light, I went rogue and parked on the street. Per GPS, it was less than half a mile.  We walked in and we’re just behind the mom we were following.  The group of girls did a scavenger hunt, then we headed to earn their badges. They did a few hours of activities before Peyton was getting tired and hungry.  We completed all tasks then headed back. Dave had prepped food to bring for Peyton’s basketball league holiday party. While we couldn’t make it, we brought our food to contribute. But before that, Brandon had a band concert at the senior center. We arrived just a few minutes before and got him set up. We brought his music stand and clarinet.  He warmed up then the band started. One by one she called up kids to play their solos. I thought for sure she would not call Brandon since it’s a bit rough. But soon, she called him, too!  He did a decent job for being put on the spot. I had a chance to video him as he was in front of me. 

Love that he looked at me to see if I was watching. 

After the performance, we rushed back home, picked up the chicken then headed to the temple. We dropped it off, then picked my parents up to go all together tony dad’s 40 th celebration of his business. We made it up and got the party started.  Brandon and Peyton participated in the “Don’t say ‘I’ game”.  They listened carefully for anyone saying “I” then they took their necklace (given at the door) away.  Brandon was sneaky, leaning his ear into people’s conversations.  But while Peyton and Brandon were talking, somehow she stole his! They were playing for a chance for an iPad, so there was a lot at stake. I tried to coach them that they should collaborate. They had been in the lead.  It was a good strategy to have Peyton get all the necklaces since she doesn’t speak in public. Brandon was using “me” instead of “I” in his conversations.  I had been drinking so I’d lost my necklace to one of them early on. She had to last until dinner time. I sequestered her for awhile keeping her with me so she wouldn’t talk.  Soon, as dinner started, the game was called with Peyton as the winner. She was brought to the middle of the party to congratulate.  We had a table game of trivia and the table who had the highest number of correct answers would win. My dad gave an opening speech and introduced his oldest clients, all of our immediate family, and thanked his staff.  He was dropping hints on the trivia questions. We were listening carefully to answer the questions. The table who had turned in answers first was the tiebreaker in the event there was a tie. We worked on the 10 questions. I was only a toddler when the business opened so I don’t know many of the answers. But my mom came over and the mom of the family we shared the table with was trying to pump her for answers. My mom gave up the answers readily!  I even turned to the kid (18 years old) and told him, “Your mom is totally working my mom!”  In the end, there were three teams who had all answered the same number of questions. But we won because Brandon delivered our answers first!  Our prize- $200!  There were 10 20 dollar bills in the envelope. Brandon counted out one hundred for the other family. Then he distributed twenty to Peyton, kept $20 for himself, and gave Dave twenty. He gave me the rest because there was change. He couldn’t figure out how to divide the last $20 out. So by defaulted, I got it. I did end up holding it all for safe keeping, except Dave’s  money. So, for the iPad, they were going to have raffle. I went to therestroom  and when I got back, Dave was getting up to claim the prize! Later though, he was disqualified since Peyton was already in the running. We still had a chance. He was rather bummed about not being able to go for it. So finally, they had their four raffle winners and Peyton. She went to the middle of the room again but was now joined by four other women. They were given numbers to then proceed with a white elephant gift exchange with five envelopes. Peyton had #4.  #1 could not steal so she was in good shape.  When it was her turn, she decided against stealing.  I had told Dave to go help her out, but he wanted to leave her alone. (I was reminded of the time I told her that her guess of pumpkin seeds was too high so she lowered her guess. And when she did learn of the total, had she not changed on my account, she would have won.) My cousin was there helping her, but she didn’t listen to his suggestions. She held her ground. Number 5 stole from Peyton to a round of oohs and aahs. She kept the envelope that she was given.  Then there was the reveal.  The lady at our table threatened to punch out the lady who stole Peyton’s envelope should she happen to win the iPad. But luckily, she did not win it. She won $50. Another lady did cheer, meaning she got the iPad. One lady received $100, then the final two, Peyton included, won $50.  After they were dismissed, she ran over to me in full waterworks mode! She was sobbing and buried her head into me. I tried to ask why she was crying!  “Are you sad you didn’t win the iPad?”  Shook her head. “Are you sad you only won $50?”  Shook her head. It was the same question, but I wanted to ask it a different way.  “Are you hurt?”  Shook her head. “Are you upset that someone stole something from you? She didn’t win!”  Shook her head. “Did you not like being up there?”  Loud crying!! Poor baby didn’t care about the iPad. She was mortified being up there and having everyone look at her. She kept it together the whole time she was up there then released it all when she got back. I had to tell everyone around me that she wasn’t sad about not getting the iPad. She was embarrassed!  She preferred to just hang out with us and be anonymous. Brandon would’ve owned the spotlight. And we think he would’ve stolen wherever and from whomever he could. 

We stayed to close the party down and then we headed out.  Peyton stayed up for awhile then asked, “Can I go to sleep now?”  Funny she asked. 

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This morning, Peyton and I practiced piano while Dave had taken Brandon out. I didn’t know where but Brandon came back in when they got back to tell us they got a tree!  I got Peyton ready to go and we went to get our pixie presents. 

When we got back, we got ready for Brandon’s first basketball game. We hung out long enough to see him score a basket – a jump hook over someone. Then we left for Peyton’s piano recital.  She had to go first so we could leave for basketball practice. She was just a bit late but she made most of it. Dave and Brandon made it over after their game. They ended up falling by 10 points – they were up at the half!  Luckily, Brandon had made his free throw at the half that counts for the score. I headed to TJ for groceries while dave took the kids to the Japanese grocery store. I met them back at home after my trip. I got ready for Michelle’s birthday celebration. I was driving her today. We had another great time together, celebrating over dinner, drinks and laughs.  Here are the pictures and videos of our weekend:

Newspaper dancing – Macarena without stepping off the paper. She did it with her friends! 

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