Brandon’s turn

Thursday night, Brandon’s basketball team #2 won, meaning that they were playing in the semis today at 1 pm. We did some errands all together, then we made it early for his game. They played a team they have beaten many times. He is the tallest kid on the team, so he is tasked with the tip offs. It’s tough for him, as most of the other teams usually present an even taller player, and Brandon is not known for his vertical leap. The opposing team did give them a little run for their money, but they did end up beating them. It was the toughest game against this team yet this season. We had a couple hours of break, so we went to shop for more sporting goods, namely an undershirt for Peyton’s sleeveless softball jersey. She’s on a red team, and she had a teal long sleeve shirt under yesterday from what she had already been wearing. Dave said she looked a bit Christmas.

We returned to watch the girls’ free throw contest, and then we got ready for the second team for the final game. No one was optimistic, since the team was taller than ours. Brandon said it independently from Dave “I don’t think we’re going to win.” I told him he should think more positively! The tip off went as the first one did, to the other team. Brandon’s team did play like a team, but they were down 0-6 in the first five minutes. It didn’t look good, but soon, the team pulled it together and played the full court press. They had enough energy in them to do so, and they got some turnovers and points off of those. Free throws count at the half, with each player shooting once. Brandon struggles with this, and this is where I remind Peyton how important free throws are. Our team was up by 4 before the free throws, and then only 3 by the end of half time. It was a tough second half with lots of fouls. Brandon had 4 of them, but he did get this:

He made a few baskets, hanging out on the left side of the basket.

After the final buzzer, the team ended up by over 10 points. They were the division champs!
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The free throw contest took place after that, and there were 6 contestants, one from each team in the division. The first five went, and the best of 10 was 8. Our representative started, and he made 9 of his 10, meaning he was the winner! What a great way to end the season. We went to our team party for pizza and salad after that, and Brandon got to sit with his team, while Peyton sat at the siblings table with me. Luckily, she has a friend from school, who was equally happy there was another girl present.

Here are the pictures…

Peyton’s random doodling. 

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