Game On

Peyton was the only one who had a game yesterday. She had to play further away, as all of our city fields were closed. But that mean league officials were free to come check out the state of her team. Earlier in the morning, there were emails exchanged, and the team was eventually relinquished to Dave as manager. I saw the officials there first, and I informed them of the situation. Peyton struck out at bat, looking at her pitches. The second time, she didn’t let it happen again. She got up, with two outs, and swung away. She had a solid hit, but the runner from first to second was tagged out. She had a nice play while she was pitching, as the ball was hit back to her, she fielded it cleanly and threw a strike to her first baseman who caught the ball for an out. The league official who I’d been talking to was proud of her for the play! There were some other mistakes made, as she was not able to field a pop fly that was hit in her vicinity, as well as some errant pitches that were thrown. But the team was shaping up, and looking better. It wasn’t the slaughtering I thought we were going to get, with 4 runs by game’s end.

Today, Brandon had batting practice, while Peyton and I shopped for groceries for the week. Then, Brandon’s Challenger game was at 130 pm, so I met Dave there so he could take Peyton to pitching practice. Brandon was once again Russell’s buddy. When Russell first came up to bat, Brandon had to position him off home plate. But he was setting up to hit lefty. His mom shouted from the stands, “Russell is right handed!” Brandon figured out to place him on the correct side of the plate for him and let him bat. Poor Brandon! In his defense, I sheepishly turned around and told them mom he was lefty, and he wasn’t used to the “other” side of the plate. I’d not met Russell’s mom before, but she was telling me how patient and kind Brandon was with Russell. I let her know that Brandon already knew Russell’s favorite song (“Happy” by Pharell). Turns out, they are the same age! This is their third game together. Later, Brandon shadowed him at second, and after every ball is hit, the pitcher throws balls into the field for the players to field and throw back. Brandon was telling and helping Russell retrieve the ball, but Russell didn’t want to throw it back to the pitcher. He would underhand it, but I motioned for Brandon to have him overhand throw it. Brandon got the hint, and the next ball, he had Russell try to throw it. It was really sweet. Finally, the last inning he was playing in the field, he was at pitcher. But Russell was dancing around at the mound. But after a few batters, he stayed in one place. I asked Brandon how he did that. Brandon said, “I drew a square on the ground, and I told him to stand in the square and face the batter. And he listened!” After the game, the buddies helped clean up the field, and then they received a cookie before we headed to Peyton’s pitching practice. There, Brandon played with one of the younger brothers of Peyton’s former teammate, while her mom and I chatted. Pitching practice was over, but Dave hit some balls at the girls for them to practice fielding, and then the girls took turns hitting balls to each other. Peyton was doing a great job, sending many of her balls into the outfield. Now, if only she can do that in a game!
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No pictures as I was too busy talking to the officials. 

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