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We went to the Yin’s house last night. The kids all get along well, at least across the two families.  We brought pie, ice cream and cookies we made at home (but not homemade) from Brandon’s cookie sales. Ryan BBQ’s tritip, sausages and ribs.  Peyton was super happy with the meal! She didn’t even want sides or rice. Just meat. The kids played games inside and out and even wrestled outside for awhile with Brandon getting pinned by F. 

We left after 8 pm because of the school night.  We told them we’d be hosting again next time. 

When we got home, Brandon told me he wanted to be in advanced math and if he had to do summer school, he would. I asked him how he came to that decision.

Apparently, when F was doing some computer thing, Brandon was watching her, and she asked him if he thought he was getting into adv math. He said probably not. She told him about summer school and how to get to adv math because most of the Vargas kids are in the sixth grade-only math and most of his friends will be in the adv math (I told him this many times, but I’m his mom, not a kid who is at SMS). 
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So, he says he wants to be with his friends and I took that opportunity to tell him to work hard to get there. Go Faith! 

I had to send T a text this morning to thank her for hosting and for raising such good influences in her kids. What’s even better is that f asked without the other kids being there so he wasn’t embarrassed. I love that Brandon has a big sister in F, too. 

While we were eating raspberry pie, which is T’s favorite (she likes all berries), G came back and left a glop of pie filling saying she didn’t like it. Her mom said she was silly and ate it right up!  Brandon came up to me and said the same thing. As a rule, I do not eat what he eats and especially not after he’s picked around something.  F said she’d eat it. I said, “No!”  Her mom said she absolutely would!  I told her no!  And she said she didn’t care, came over and scooped up Brandon’s glop and ate it.  I threw up in my mouth a little.  Ugh. So gross. 

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