Challenger and Piano Recital

Peyton showered and changed into her dress for her recital. Dress code was “wedding attire” so she went to her recent go-to dress.  Brandon went the opposite and got his baseball sunny weather gear together for the challenger game. We dropped him off at the field, and he went with his team, while dave, Peyton, and I went to the senior center. We arrived early, and she still didn’t want to practice. I warned her it was a new piano for her, and she should get to know it. Several of the big kids warmed up, but Peyton still declined.  She even challenged me that if she didn’t miss any notes, I’d get her ice cream.  We took our seats and waited for her turn.  She was half way through the first page of the program after many of the younger kids. Because there were some kids that had to leave, her teacher invited up the Certificate of Merit kids first.  There were only a few and one was absent.  Peyton was first to be introduced.  

Then they invited all the kids up to join them. 

Then she waited.  She was calm until the person right before her. She looked nervous, and I reminded her to bow before and after.  She nodded in agreement. 

Here she is!

Nailed it! 

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Here’s her rewards up close:

She got the special sticker for honors, which means she scored 5 or 5+ (scale is 1-5+)

We left quickly to go get Brandon, who was just wrapping up with his game. He was invited over to an impromptu swim party, so we took him to change and then Dave dropped him back off at his teammate’s grandma’s building pool. We happened to see her at the store, too!

He will be dropped off by his friend’s mom on their way back home. What a great weekend!

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