Memorial day

Earlier in the week, I asked dave if he wanted to go pick cherries or have G’s family over for lunch/dinner.  He didn’t want to drive the distance to cherries so he texted Ryan immediately and got a response right away.  So we planned for lunch since the next day was school and work.  They came over just after 1130 am (they are notoriously prompt) and when they say a time, they mean it. 

We had games ready to go as they had as well.  All the kids went to the backyard where Brandon had his nerf guns at the ready.  Dave was preparing burgers, home cut fries and salad along with green beans.  I’d gotten the cheese and crackers ready to go on my slate serving tray. We’d gotten two more video game controllers increasing the number of players from two at a time to four.  But we factored in five kids.  But they would rotate in.  That all worked well, but when Ryan saw it was Mario kart, and heard Peyton was the Tsao champ, he had to inform us all he was the Mario Kart champ of the late 90’s.  Peyton best him and the other two opponents their first race out.  It was an intense battle with all four contestants standing or hovering closely to the tv prompting dave to suggest we needed a bigger tv.  

Tricia knows what a competitive bunch we all are and Peyton had been warned about losing with dignity.  She had to be reminded of this several times.  But for the most part, fun was had by all.  We ate the apple and chocolate pie that they brought over. 

Luckily we had air hockey to keep two people occupied and there was a tournament style battle royals that Peyton did win with just the kids.  

We chatted and hung out watching the kid antics until after four when F left to go to boba with a friend.  H was sad she couldn’t go.  P was sad she couldn’t win. So it was their cue to wrap things up.  

Brandon even got into cleaning up his room: 
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After they left and Peyton got a talking to about how to be a good friend, we put together her flower pot from girl acur a. It was a modified Home Depot project that a dad modified to work for the Girl Scouts.  He cut all the wood pieces and got kits ready for them.  

Samples that I took pictures of 

Peyton’s finished project:

She was excited about the seedlings! 

She choose basil and a few flowers.  But no cilantro.  Because “you know, I don’t like cilantro.”  

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