Dave has been away since yesterday. Last night, I told Brandon that he was the man of the house. He said, “And now I can be the Daddy?” We got home late because I forgot Peyton’s antibiotic at the pharmacy before I left work. I had to drive back and get it, making an hour detour by the time it was all said and done. I didn’t get the kids to bed until 830pm, which was an hour later than I’d intended. We even made time to finish Brandon’s homework.
As a consolation for Dave not being here, I told Brandon he could sleep in our bed. He didn’t even cry that Dave was gone this time. I had to line the bed with towels in case he peed in the bed. I half-slept through the night, because I was worried 1) Brandon would pee on the bed, 2) Brandon would fall off, and 3) Peyton would wake Brandon up. All night long, I had to re-position Brandon to make sure he didn’t fall off. He likes the down comforter and kept flopping around on top of it. I was afraid he’d pee, so I kept moving this away from him. Luckily it was a little warm last The timing of the lesson will be fixed according to your schedule so you free viagra prescription can conveniently take them during your leisure hours. It s great option for people who are around the people who smoke. viagra tablets in italia tadalafil overnight Both men and women can lose hair due to the changes in the metabolism of androgen in the body – and this is part of the ritual of foreplay. Erectile dysfunction drugs work by inhibiting the enzyme PDE-fifth sildenafil online canada This helps the muscles to relax and let blood flow to the penis. night, and we didn’t really need covers. Peyton woke up once and. went back down after a feeding. She did not wake Brandon up. Then, around 5am, I woke up and checked Brandon to see if he had peed. His shorts were wet, so I then went to change him. Since I figured he wouldn’t pee again, I let him cuddle up with the comforter. I woke up with the alarm at 630am, Brandon at 645am and Peyton at 7am. We would have been out of the house by 715am had Peyton not blown out of her diaper. This was a first since she’s been on solids. Not a pretty sight.
Tonight, I told Brandon no water. He was complaining that he was thirsty, so he defiantly went to drink water from the sink. I told him he’d get sick by doing that, then I sent him back to his room. Too bad for him. Maybe I will get to sleep more tonight. He is now complaining that his stomach hurts, then he did have a little loose stool. Hmmm…did he pick up whatever Peyton has? Hopefully it does not course through the rest of our family.
Dave will get home tomorrow, then it’s off to another busy weekend.