Brandon-free (part) of the weekend

My mom took Brandon up with her on Friday night, as they were going to the football game the next day.  My dad had an extra ticket, so he wanted to take Brandon.  As for us, it was dinnertime, so we were left with only one kid and MANY possibilities of where we could eat.  We decided to do a seafood buffet, thinking we could enjoy it more and not have to pay half-price for gigantic 3 year old (they charge by the height, not age like some other places).  Peyton had fun being our only kid, and she did eat from the buffet – soybeans, and tofu (a little redundant, but at least it was food she could handle on her own).  My mom had taken Brandon to a veggie buffet per his request (his favorite only because he gets ice cream at the end – which I told her to limit to a small scoop).  I still called him at night to wish him good night.  He reluctantly talked with us; my mom had to almost force him to say good night to us. 
Otherwise, I got a great night’s sleep – from 11pm (when I went to sleep) to 7am (when Peyton woke up).  It was our first restful night’s sleep in a long time.  We woke up and got the house ready for open house, and drove up to my parents’ house.  I wanted to see Brandon off, give him his hat, and make sure he was all set.  He was so excited to be going away without us.  He did willingly say good bye to us this time.  My parents ended up picking up two more of their friends, and in total, there were 6 adults plus Brandon.   They only had to ride about just the last few miles to the stadium, after consolidating their cars.  Lucky for them because they were all treated to Brandon’s cartoons in the car (they totally cave into him).  We were doing errands, then called up Gavin and Diana, and fortunately, they were free for lunch!  Naomi and Peyton were both very good at lunch.  Naomi enjoyed her parents’ “icee” while Peyton Lovemaking act requires both mental relaxation and physical activity. generic levitra from canada Many online pharmacies offer generico levitra on line to help a man combat his sexual problems. However, for dysfunction treatment purpose, the receiver cipla india viagra is made to the penile nerves. Many must have used at least one of generic cialis in australia the eggs, mixes it with the sperm in a test tube and allows the fertilization to take place. watched on, learning each step of the way, that mint chip shakes must be good.  After lunch, we went home and tried to put Peyton down for her nap before going over to Laurie’s to celebrate Scott’s birthday.  This did not happen until 2pm (the start of Scott’s birthday), but once she was down, she was down for the count.  She can sleep (as can I)!  I slept for almost two hours, while she lasted even longer than that.  It was after 4pm, so I started getting myself ready to go out, and tried to be a little louder to wake Peyton up.  Finally she did get up, and we all went over to the Bryan’s.  The party was in full swing, and I thought Peyton may have a “bad” reaction to all the people.  She did not!  She was a little shy, and I held her while we visited, but she maintained composure (not like when May, Ed and Justin came over last week).  We all ate dinner, watched Scott open presents, and then she started getting cranky, just before 8pm.  It was our cue to go home.  We caught up with Brandon before his bedtime, then we all stayed overnight at my parents.  Sunday, we had lunch with Joyce, Tracy, and Christian (and the spouses/kids) for the September birthdays (yes, a bit delayed).  We even saw Jennifer!  Actually, they saw us first.  They all walked over to us as soon as we sat down.  Jesselyn came over to say goodbye when they left.  We had to stay away from the house for a few more hours until the open house was over.  So we walked around the mall, went to play in the park, and dropped Kenny’s birthday present off to him.  We rested for a bit, then went back out to dinner with Kenny, Rachel and Cameron.  We thought we were taking Kenny out for his birthday, when in fact, it ended up that they were taking ME out for my belated birthday.  We ended our weekend with some homework.  Brandon enjoyed it very much!  We usually don’t start until later in the week, but we needed something nice and calm to do.

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