
Yesterday, on a whim, dave wanted to call out some friends for softball.  He gave me 30 minutes notice and within that time, we had four girls who were ready to play. He thought he might have five, and he was worried he’d have to run a legit practice. He still did work out the four that arrived, doing fielding, batting, running and pitching with them.  We were out on the field for over two hours before calling it to go to lunch.  

We all came home and took random naps.  Then we headed out to return library books and then to dinner. One family from earlier informed us they were going to race cars.  We went to watch but not participate as it was getting too late and the kids’ races were done by then.  

Today, we got up and did piano and laundry before dave was considering great America.  Peyton wanted to ride bikes to breakfast so I gave them a choice.  Of course we knew what they’d pick! 

So they got ready in swim gear and we packed up for the day.  

We started with rides, and Peyton was braver than she was last time we went two years ago.  She was also taller so she had less of an excuse.  We started with Gold striker which was a newer ride and super fast from start to finish.  You didn’t get a chance to hold your breath!  She was okay about it.  And screamed the whole time with me.  We did Grizzly and the log ride before she got the courage to do Demon.  This was a ride I’d ridden growing up. I told them I used to hang out quite a bit at GA during the summer. We had passes most of the summers, and when I wasn’t working or ever before I was able, I’d spend time there.  The water park portion wasn’t around back then. During the hottest part of the day, we took the opportunity to check out that new section.  They did an inner tube ride and then the wave pool. It wasn’t hot enough for me to get into the cold water. I’d had a taste of it at the log ride so I was happy to watch our stuff and be home base. Dave went to get lunch while I watched the kids in the wave pool.  It was quite crowded but dave told me there were plenty of life guards. Well that’s not reassuring enough for me so I watched them like hawks from above and just behind the lifeguards.  The pool was calm for 15 minutes then a loud horn would go off signaling impending waves.  It’s not as big as Disney’s pool and neither are the waves but it was equally crowded.  The kids got daring and went to the 5′ section. It’s not bad when it’s calm but when the waves start undulating, people lose their minds.  The kids bobbed up and down with the goggles on as they were told.  They had fun chasing each other around. But at one pint, both were in the middle of the pool. I think Brandon knew his limits and started swimming back to shallower water.  Suddenly Peyton started bobbing up and down with her arms up. She would take big breaths and then bob up again. It was congested so I don’t think she was able to kick her way out.  I was having a mini panic attack, but I wasn’t sure if she was messing around or not.  She wasn’t thrashing around but I’ve read enough articles to to know that drowning doesn’t look like the movies showing people drowning.  Soon, I saw her kick her way out of trouble and swam back to safety.  She popped up and asked where Brandon was ever non-chalantly.  At that time, Dave came back with food.  I told him what I saw and he called the kids out to eat. While we were eating, I asked Peyton about what I saw. I cornered her and basically loaded the question, asking if she was in trouble. She denied it but I think she was being stubborn. When I did tell her what I observed, she basically said, “Yeah, a little bit.”  Luckily she found some room to get prone and in a position to kick her way out of trouble.  But they did not return to the pool instead we opted for more rides and a show.  There were some amazing dancing gymnasts off trampolines mounted to the wall.  We had seen something similar the last time we were there but it was nice to be indoors and doing something calm.  We did try  to win a stuffed sloth by breaking plates with baseballs.  The goal was 2 out of 3.  Each of us a our attempts had a broken plate (Peyton had two, Brandon one, Dave two and me one!).  We poured a lot of money into the game but none of us was able to get two in our attempts. The kids and I had a blast at the bumper cars! Dave didn’t want to do those at all so he passed.  

We wrapped up the night almost 10 hours after we’d arrived. A great family day well spent with minimal to no fighting as the kids were having too much fun to do that!

To start our day 

First ride of the day 

All smiles to start 

Looking a bit concerned 

Grizzly log ride 

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There they go. 

Water park. Waiting their turn. 

Where are my Waldos?  

Big tire in water. 

After convincing her it was slower than gold striker and that she’d already gone upside down on Endeavor, we got her to do The Demon! 

She was not tall enough for Patriot. So we did rider swap. 

Bumper cars 

Waiting for Vertical Impact 

Berserker.  No one else was nuts enough to go. I used to go all the time but I’m old now. 

Flight deck.  Some guy on their ride dropped his phone in the restricted area just behind the vehicle. He was told he had to get it after 10 pm when the park closed.  When we rode, some guys saw the phone. They ran back beyond the restricted sign to get it.  And stole it!  The attendants didn’t see them or didn’t say anything. Brandon saw it all happen, and he asked why I didn’t turn them in. He asked why they would do that because it’s stealing, and they went behind the area they were not supposed to. All teaching moments that yes you shouldn’t go in that those areas for safety reasons (I think someone died once trying to get their hat, after being kicked by the riders’ feet) .  You shouldn’t steal.  And sometimes, you mind your own business. 

One last ride 

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