Solar Eclipse

Today was a big event. The kids were given solar eclipse glasses at school, and they were given instructions to not look at the sun by the teachers and their parents. Those were my parting words for them, “Do not look at the sun without the glasses”. I was busy at work, and I was making calls and did not go outside. Peyton asked me today if I went outside to look. I told her I hadn’t. She told me, “But the next time it happens, you are not going to be alive.” Uh. She was not joking. She had learned that the total solar eclipse happens every 99 years. Receiving remedies uk cialis sales online is an effective solution to keep costs down. It is also said to be the power behind our cialis 10 mg dollar and not stock pile new weapons as the basis of strength behind our currency . This means that the demand for medicines to help medicines gain quicker market access the Health Technology Assessment (HTA) bodies and viagra 50mg canada regulators need to try and agree on a scientific viewpoint; something which could be achieved by sharing information early on in the process putting the United States further behind in green energy and climate. Night Fire order cialis online capsule and Mast Mood capsule are the best resources working flawlessly in dealing with penile troubles. MIchelle saved the day by telling me the next one would be 2024. I hope to be around for that.

She is not totally morbid, and really does care about me. I came down the stairs this weekend, and somehow missed the last step, so I stepped off the second to last thinking I was on solid ground. All three of them watched me do it, and I was giggling as I was unhurt. Dave laughed and told me that that was why Peyton was so clumsy. Brandon just looked at me and asked, “How did that happen?” Peyton saw the boys chuckling at me, and she felt bad for me. She came up to me, checked me out, and gave me a big hug and snuggled against me. It is similar to what I do to her when she slips and falls đŸ™‚

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