Veteran’s Day

Today, I took the day off since Brandon’s school was off.  Peyton’s school was not, so we dropped her off so that we could go to the Veteran’s day memorial at our local park.  The park has a wall that was built about 3 years ago in remembrance of two local fallen soldiers.  I thought it would be a learning experience for Brandon.  Plus, they were going to have local police, fire and military there.  When had to walk into the park, since the close parking was reserved for the families.  Brandon said, “I don’t think this is the right park, since I don’t see the fire trucks.  Let’s go somewhere else.”  I did happen to see the fire truck, so I knew the ceremony was still on.  We walked a short distance and came up to the wall area.  There were a lot of people standing around, and I didn’t want to get too close, not knowing how long Brandon would last.  We saw one of Brandon’s schoolmates there.  I told Brandon it was okay to say hello to him.  Bryce said, “It’s Old Brandon”.  I think it’s funny when a younger kid calls him “Old Brandon”.
It was a very somber event, as there were World War II veterans, and veterans from all the conflicts since that time.  There were families of the fallen there as well.  We watched the color guard bring in the flags, and there were fire fighters with bright axes and shiny picks.  The middle school choir was there singing songs, including the national anthem.  Dave and I agree that it is not too early to impart patriotism.  I made him sit through the speeches.  At first, I carried him, so that he could see what was going on.  After about the first 10 minutes, my arms got tired, so we went over to the grass and sat down.  He got a little fidgety, but mostly listened.  Turned out the chief of police was standing about five feet away from us.  It was a little embarrassing when Brandon started talking while there were speeches going on.  He did settle down after a stern look.  He then got himself busy by filling his dump truck with grass blades.  He was only allowed one fill of the dump truck, since I didn’t want the area where we were to be totally bare.  I really wanted to listen to the speeches, and when Brandon wasn’t interested, I was a little disappointed.  He got the message, and left me alone to listen.  When it was all done, I told him he could go play in the park area for a little bit.  I wanted him to be able to run around, since he wasn’t able to during the ceremony, which lasted about 1.5 hours.  I then asked him if he wanted to stay or go and eat lunch.  He said, “If it matters to you.”  I couldn’t understand him.  So I asked him again, if he wanted to stay a little longer or go eat.  He said it again.  I think he was trying to say, “It doesn’t matter to me.”  Haha…proof he’s still only 3.  We went to the new house to sign some paperwork, then went back to the same area to have lunch together.  I knew of a brunch place that was kid-friendly, so we went. I was a little worried because the table was a little small table, and we had to sit across from each other.  This could be a little dicey, as it was 130pm, and he hadn’t had a nap yet. It would be a little harder to control him, given that he chose the outer chair, and I was more towards the inside of the table.
He started with some crayons and colored a bit.  He even noticed some of the crayons were broken.  Since he’s been in his new school, he’s gotten a lot better about keeping his own crayons whole, and his coloring has improved.  He’s able to color more in the lines and with some purpose.  Next, he got a happy face of fruit (the restaurant always brings this to the kids).  He was running low on water, so he said, “Can I ask the hater for water?”  Then he pointed to the woman behind us, “Is that the hater?”  I corrected him, and told him we had to ask for our waitress to come over for some more water.  He behaved himself at the restaurant, which I was really happy about.  We got our coffee cake pieces next.  They were HUGE!  We ended up splitting one and then taking the other to go.  Brandon thoroughly enjoyed his coffee cake, saying that he likes the ends the best (his piece was turned on its side), so really he likes the topping, which is a sugary crumble.  In fact, he even used the crumbs of the cake to smoosh into the sugary bits and pick them up.  (I later told Dave about this, and his response, ‘Hey, he’s no dummy.’)
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Thanks to all the veterans who have served our country!

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