Loong Short week

Tuesday Peyton had practice, and I took her there after I got off work and after Brandon's basketball game. It was a home game, so I was able to make most of it. Peyton was doing homework with Grace and her sister. She had finished it up while we sat there. I thought Dave had Brandon and was going to take him home. But he ended up at the field beating me there. He did his homework, while we watched Peyton and chatted with the moms there. We didn't get home until late, but each did their own reading and Peyton did piano. She was up until 10 pm.

Wednesday was nuts. We had BTSN for Brandon, and he gave us a list of his classes, and we were told to change each 10 minutes. We had 4 minutes to change, and the bell rung each period. I dropped Peyton off at her friend's house right after drama. She had to bypass a cupcake to celebrate the director's birthday. She whispered to me that she got the part she wanted, a hairdresser. She was already practicing her song! I dropped her off and went back to school. Dave dropped Brandon off, and he came to meet me. We met Brandon's teachers, saw some of our baseball and basketball family friends, and then I went to get Peyton, but the mom was still at practice (730 pm), so I went home. Brandon beat us both, as I saw his notification that he was home. He met us at the door as we all got home right around the same time. We all went to meet Peyton to order dinner for the family that drove her. We ate there until just before 9 pm, then we headed home. She showered, and had to study for her test on Thursday. She was just given her book that day, so she had to write out the question and answer it. A number of the issues that could work like a speed icks.org discount viagra breaker so it is of high quality and enables long lasting erections during an intimacy with your partner. With the inhibition of PDE5, the body spontaneously increases nitric oxide level. icks.org generic viagra without prescription Women, in particular, are aware of this natural cleansing time with their menstrual cycle. professional viagra The muscles icks.org buy levitra online recover steadily after receiving appropriate nutritional properties. She also had to read, as she had not had time prior to coming home as she was booked solid. She also had to put in her online time. This teacher is hard core and Peyton is rising to the challenge for sure! And I am as well. I pushed her, and she kept reading, writing, and then at the end, it was 1130 pm! Poor baby! I let her slide on the piano, but Dave told her to practice first thing in the morning. She and I both went to sleep, as the boys were already out. I felt bad for her, and this morning, at 715 am, she came in to go potty. I gave her a big, long hug and told her how proud I was of her. She groaned. Then, without being told, she walked over to the piano to start practicing. I stayed with her for 15 minutes, checked off her things, and then she continued while I packed my lunch and headed out. Luckily, this long, short week is almost done. She made it to the end of school, I picked her up and went to Brandon's basketball game. She did her homework while there, and then read. She was done after piano was done and got to enjoy the evening. Brandon scored one point. From a free throw! P told me that she won another prize for her class spelling bee. It's how they practice their words. She was the last man/woman standing. I'm surprised she was upright with the amount of work she put in yesterday. This is the second prize she has won since they started the weekly bees. She won the first one, and came in as a runner up the second one. I told her it's a good thing her friends are not in her class, so she doesn't have to compete against her friends. She's got two boys that are her closest competition.

Told her she does well at typing because she plays piano.

Same shirts and all smiles!

Armor for this weekend

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