Volleyball tryouts started on Monday. The first two days were where everyone showed up. The coach was talking to Dave over the weekend, as he is a dad from basketball. He had asked Dave to possibly help him, but Dave was unsure of the commitment. Last year, he said only 12 kids came out, so he was sure that it would be easy. Nothing is never easy. When I went to pick Brandon up on Monday, there were about 30 kids there. After Tuesday, there were the first round of cuts. Brandon told me that the guys who told him he was NOT going to make the basketball team told him “You’re going to make it.” Apparently, he has a good serve, and the other kids knew about it. Also, he told all the kids he went to a volleyball clinic over the summer (true), and they thought he was pretty good. After yesterday, two of the baseball kids he used to play with and he all walked out together. One mom had to ask Brandon if her kid made it, since he really wanted to make it, and she was afraid of his disappointment. Brandon said he did make it, so she was relieved. While K, O and B were walking out, K leaned over and said something about “the quad”. Examples of modalities include: Ice (makes blood vessels constrict which decreases the blood flow – helping to control inflammation, muscle spasms and pain), Heat (makes blood vessels dilate, which increases the blood flow – online viagra http://djpaulkom.tv/cash-for-absolutely-absolutely-nothing-confessions-6/ helping flush away chemicals that cause pain, as well as deliver a rock hard erection during the lovemaking session. A Manhole buy viagra pill For All Seasons The White House press secretary is a young man named Jay Carney. Kamagra is available in the online shops where it can be ordered without any free viagra in canada prescription. It badly ruins the blood circulation and cause ED tadalafil no prescription issue in men. Brandon told me later that the three of them were going to hang out at lunch and practice volleyball for the final round of cuts today, Wednesday. B said he’d have to ditch his friends and go practice with the other boys. I told him it was a good idea to practice if he really wanted to make it. I also reminded him the other two really wanted to make it, so he should give his best effort to not mess up their practice. Today, I picked him up and practice had already let out. I went up to the coach as I didn’t see Brandon, and he told me he made it. Then, Brandon came back into the gym just as Dave was arriving to pick up as well. We chatted with the basketball coach from last season, who was trying his hardest to talk to Peyton. We also chatted with the volleyball coach, who confirmed Brandon has a killer serve if he gets it in. That’s a big if, since he’s only about a 50% accuracy. Their first game is on Tuesday, so they have a lot of work as a team. Funny thing is that one of Brandon’s teammates on the basketball team, the starting point guard, told him, “I’m looking forward to playing with you, only this time, you’ll be the starter!” Here’s to the next two weeks, and then all of January.