Favorite Shirt

Brandon wanted to wear one of his favorite shirts yesterday.  It’s his “Swoosh” shirt.  I dug around his drawer for it on Wednesday night as we were getting ready for bed.  While I was lookng for it, he said, “I know you can find it, Mommy.  You’re good at finding things.”  It put even more pressure on me when he said that.  I did find it, and I set it out for him for the next day.  So in the morning, I had him get ready and change while I got Peyton ready.  It was only after he was already to go to school that I realized that the shirt was getting too small.  The length of the shirt looked ok, but the sleeves were three-quarter sleeves.  It was too late to change (and I probably couldn’t convince him to change it by then).  So in the car, I told him that this would be his last time wearing it.  He said, “We can give it to Haiti.”  I Many people think that erectile trouble only occurs due to old age but it is not the fact. http://deeprootsmag.org/2017/06/28/swingin-and-a-surfin-all-summer-long-revisited/ order levitra online But simply coming across them doesn’t mean you should end up making them your first cialis pills wholesale choice. free viagra prescription In modern life, there is a trend that people pay more attention to health-preservation. So, there are many natural treatments for Tinnitus, the patient only needs to identify the root cause of levitra sale tinnitus is excessive exposure to loud noise or age associated tinnitus. asked him what he knew about Haiti.  He said, “Daddy said it was a country.  And they need clothes.”  Wow, I was really impressed that he was thinking of others, and he wasn’t upset about giving away his shirt!  Then he said, “We can get another Swoosh shirt for my birthday.”  Got it.

Productive day off…so far.  I sent the kids to school, then put on the soundtrack from my new favorite TV show on my phone, and plugged in.  I vacuumed and enjoyed doing the household chores without the kids getting in the way.  I didn’t even see the dude in the backyard who was there for the landscaping.  Totally surprised me.  When I spoke with him, he said he rang the door.  He was gracious not to acknowledge my singing 🙂
I’ve never really looked forward to cleaning up until now!  So, back to work.  Later Peyton is going to get her handprints and footprints turned into artwork like Brandon did.  I’m so excited to pick out designs!

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