Away she goes!

Last night, we went to go check out Peyton’s first softball coach’s team this year. They were playing against other friends. It was going to be cold, so we bundled up after having dinner. Dave was picking up Peyton’s new bat bag from her coach along with some other errands. I’d ordered something off FB seen on shark tank in January for Peyton’s birthday. It was two month lag time but it arrived just in time yesterday.

Here was the trial run (she’s not wearing a shirt underneath)

She was all packed up before we headed to the game.

The game was a tie and she got to see her friends while I talked to my mom friends. At one point, Peyton got up and started walking away. I was wondering where she was going, and then turned to see Dave and Brandon walk up.
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We all watched until the game concluded. We said goodbye to the families and then headed home.

This morning, Peyton practiced piano then Dave and Brandon left for baseball practice. I headed over to Peyton’s troop leader’s house. This was the landing zone for the entire troop. They got each kid a new sleeping mat to go under the backpacks. So we swapped it out and the girls got all their gear together including the pieces of their tent, which each kid would hike the 1/2 mile in with. There were four in Peyton’s tent. We got the kids all situated in the car and they headed out. I stayed behind to go to the last basketball game. I walked with the family whose daughter stayed behind for a hula performance. Coach Ryan saw me and said I was dedicated in coming out to the game without a kid in the game. The team beat the one team that beat them all season long. Well, they got their revenge today! 21-6. They lost last time 9-8.

After the game, I went home to the boys. Brandon had changed and we were headed to Livermore to watch the girls play! Everyone asked where Peyton was. They thought it was so strange for us to come out to support the team. In fact, Peyton did ask me what we were going to do after she was gone. I joked we’d get ice cream. But I told her that I’d go watch her basketball and softball games. She was incredulous. “What?!” I told her that i was just going to pretend that she was still around.

And we did! We watched them lose two games after winning the first one. Darn. Tomorrow they play at 8 am and we will not be going to that. Brandon has opening ceremonies for little league and then his first game and then travel ball practice. We’ll see how the team does and see if I have to extract her early.

she’s underneath all those chickens. Dave wanted her out from under there so she wouldn’t get shat on!

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