Red-Orange Color Blindness

Brandon is learning colors.  He’s got most of them, most of the time – purple, blue, green, but for some reason he is insistent that red is orange.  And sometimes that yellow is orange.  So his fire truck and taxi are orange.  Dave corrects him, and says, “RED.”  But Brandon insists that it is orange.  So he says, “No, orange.”  Dave will try to soften the blow, “Yes, I agree orange Movies do provide instruction for the reason that sexual mastercard cialis online stimulation is needed to initiate the flow of blood towards the penile organ of the man. In addition, the appearance of particles, threading or flavour of condom, cialis without prescription tends to add other substances, so more vulnerable to aging also increase allergy risk. Various websites have been organized to provide the affected cost levitra lowest males with proper medications. Ongoing stress may result in erectile dysfunction, which in turn increases the viagra order canada levels of nitric oxide in the blood. looks very similar to red, however it is not orange, it is red.”  If we don’t confirm with him that something is orange, he gets upset and repeats, “Nope, orange.”  It really isn’t a winning situation for us, either he gets mad and starts to cry, or he will never learn that RED is a color.  I guess he won’t be going to Stanford or USC.  That secretly may be our ploy 🙂