She’s Back!

Drop off pics:

Peyton returned from science camp today. Dave and I went to pick her up after I went to work. We grabbed her stuff first, and then her jacket, which was randomly placed by some other gear. Of course. It took another 20 minutes for the buses to roll up. Parents rushed the buses to see their kids, but they had to check out with their teachers first before the parents could take them. I didn’t see her until she found us. She’d already checked out with her teacher. The first thing I noticed was her sunburnt cheeks! The teacher had sent us a couple of pictures during the week. Peyton was happy to see us, even stopping to take pictures with us. We headed straight to pick up our race bibs in SSF. We had lots of time to talk to her. Before she left, she told us she couldn’t be bunkmates with Hope because both of them wanted the top bunk. Brandon recommended that she get the bottom, since it’s closer to all her stuff. He said it’s better in case she forgets something. Peyton told him she likes to stare at the ceiling though. Which is true. That’s what she’d been doing since birth, staring up at the fire sprinkler above our bed until she fell asleep. So I asked her who she bunked with. She said Hope was right above her. They were going to take turns but Hope ended up wanting to stay on the top bunk, and Peyton went with the flow. Later, Tricia told me Grace had told Hope that the bottom was better, but I guess the girls worked it out. All the “mom” things I had packed for her had turned out helping her in the end. In her knapsack, I’d packed extra socks and some wipes. She said she stepped in the creek, getting her socks wet, so she was able to change socks. And then the wipes came handy when they were playing games and got muddy. She even shared with her friends. She did sort of thank me. She received our letters, one from my mom and one from me. She said she wasn’t sad, and that she loved the food, especially the pasta and the churros. But, “The churros weren’t as good as Disneyland.” She was falling asleep by the time we made it up to the Convention Center, but she woke up to taste chocolate and pick up our bibs. We drove back to KP and got two vaccines, her tetanus booster and the meningococcal vaccines. I will defer Gardisil as she has two basketball games, so we’ll go a little easier on her. She was a little hesitant, but she did NOT cry. Katie had done her in braids on Sunday night, and they lasted well! In fact, it hurt taking them out, as they were shellacked on top of her head. She showered, ate lunch, and then practiced piano. She said Hope wanted to have a playdate, but she knew she couldn’t because she had to pick up her bibs. But I got a text that H’s family wanted to take P to the HHS basketball game tonight. I told Peyton she had to sleep first before going. She said she wasn’t tired. of course. But I told her to “lie down”. She “laid down” for over an hour, and when I went to wake her just 30 minutes before the Yins were to show up, she was CRABBY! I told her if she wanted me to drop her off, I’d do that, since she still had to eat dinner. I got a text from Tricia that they were running late, too, since Hope slept for THREE hours! These girls were TIRED. Well, they took Peyton, and we had another night without her. Here’s the selfie she took:
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Now, she’s back, and clean, and in a good mood, I gave her a BIG hug. My girl’s back! Now, for a full weekend of activities, with basketball games, a 5K, girls’ lunch, and getting ready for another week of school.

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