Peyton is in leadership this year. She and her classmates were to come up with projects for the school community. She and two other girls were on a team together. They chose a project that someone else had come up with in class then had a plan to execute better thus getting the leadership to vote for their project to move forward. She asked us for shoe boxes to bring to school. We didn’t know what was happening but provided them for her. Luckily Christmas had just passed so she had shoes received in said boxes. She brought them to school and later told me what they were for. Her group was stocking feminine products in the bathroom. She was to take stock of what the usage was and ask the other teacher (her leadership teacher is male)to purchase the products. This was the trial.She said the girls at school were so appreciative. They knew it was her because she was carrying around boxes at school. Her leadership teacher hadn’t arrived yet so she had to bring them to first period, PE.There are four bathrooms and she placed each box in one of them. She left a pencil in the box and girls would write notes on the boxes,”Thank you so much!” They are to take what they need. She is monitoring inventory to see what is more utilized, tampons or pads. Then she will go present to the student council for ongoing funds. She told me more tampons are being used than pads but not that she knew or anything. She said, “I’m probably not the expert here.” (She hasn’t started her period yet.). Either way I’m proud of what she’s done!