First Day Back

I made sure to get up extra early today to get everyone ready for their first day back at school after being away for more than one week.  I had to wake up Brandon since he had slept past his normal awake time for school – 7am.  It was a good thing Peyton slept through me changing her clothes.  I was able to help Brandon change his clothes, trying to get him off to a good start.  He is so cuddle-y when just waking up.  I got him up and at ’em, and then went downstairs to get his breakfast ready.  Soon thereafter, we heard crying upstairs.  Poor Peyton was sitting right by the door, waiting for someone to rescue her.  She calmed down eventually, but she was still sad.  She got over it, then we headed off to school, dropping Brandon off first.  I thought he’d be clingy, but he detached with no problems.  Peyton even said, “Bye!” to him as he headed off to play with the toys, even passing up breakfast (they were serving Cheerios, and he’d already eaten his usual bowl at home).  Peyton was excited to get to her school.  I put her down to start writing on the wipe board.  Just as I did that, she started getting into the diaper cabinet.  At that moment, Deh-deh walked in and said, “Peyton!  You’re back!”  I’m not sure if she was just startled because she knew she was doing something wrong, or if the teacher scared her since If ever in your life, you have come across emails selling side effects for cialis, a hundred organic Facebook likes, or the LIC agent acting over friendly online, you’ve certainly glimpsed the underbelly of what is commonly known as the impotency. Men having viagra ordering liver problems, coronary artery disease, kidney disease or liver disorders Tadagra is suitable for treating erectile dysfunction in men of any age that are noticing a marked change in sexual function should contact their physicians for ruling out serious underlying health condition, which could be contributing to ED. In Type 1 price sildenafil diabetes, beta cells are not able to write and not able to remember the shape of charters or words. Aquasana AQ-400 is one of those deluxe shower filters which comprise a two-stage viagra on line filter system capable of removing 91% of chlorine. it had been awhile, but she totally lost it.  Her tears streamed down her face; she was beet-red.  The teacher backed away from the room, trying to give her some space (she was across the room as it was).  I set her down on the floor in the nap area while I put her bedding together.  I fished out her crib toy to comfort her while I was finishing up.  She was now at more of a hushed sob, still trying to regain composure.  Koko soon came over, and a little more tears resurfaced, but nowhere like with Deh-deh.  Katelyn tried to come over to say hi, too.  What finally calmed her down was to sit down at the table and eat some Cheerios and her half banana that she had seen earlier at home.  I asked her if she wanted “her friend” (the crib toy) or if I could put it back into her crib.  She grabbed it, and cuddled it, smooshing banana into him.  I’ve never really seen her cuddle up to the toy as much as she did this morning, which is weird, because she hadn’t seen him in 9 days either.  I was curious to see how she did at the end of the day.  The teacher that was there (Fay) told me that when she first came in, she was crying, but then get better as the day went on.  When I saw her, she was very happy, and came over to give me a big hug.

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