Big Brother

Brandon and Peyton were host to their friends Alana, Justin, Amber, Alex, and Jaden today.  I told Brandon he was the big boy and he needed to show the younger ones how to behave and take care of his house.  He and Justin had so much fun playing in his room.  Alana was totally fine playing in Peyton’s kitchen.  I started referring to Peyton’s room as “Alana’s room”.  She did venture out and play with the boys.  Brandon was in charge of making sure Justin navigated the stairs backwards.  He explained to him, and then showed him how to go in reverse.  He started, then looked up to see Justin’s feet and said, “But I’m afraid his foot will be in my face.”  Apparently, he was still rough with the kids, running into them on his lion.  But when I showed up, he quickly cleaned up his act, so much so that I didn’t even know that he was doing this until Joe told me.  The babies took turns feeding and napping, but Peyton had no part in that.  She didn’t take a nap until Dave walked her around in the stroller.  We did have a run of bloody noses for some reason; one was unprovoked, one was nose vs. table and nose lost.  Fortunately, Brandon was NOT involved in any way, shape or form.  In fact, it was right around 3pm when I told him he had to go take a nap, with the party in full swing.  Besides the fact that it was late for his nap, he was getting too rowdy, and he seemed to become more deaf.  I wanted to curb his energy before someone really got hurt.  Amazingly, The psoas is defined as a major hip flexor and core stabilising muscle however what is not often acknowledged is it is a sildenafil india muscle of perception and very much connected to the most primitive part of ourselves, the reptilian brain. If the disease left untreated it may also cause infertility in cialis uk men. This in return significantly increases your business productivity. cialis price no prescription For proper drug assimilation, make sure you avoid alcohol, grapefruits and fatty foods along sildenafil overnight shipping with the dosage, as they readily hamper the drug assimilation process. he did not complain; he went into his bed, and stayed in his room.  Brandon overheard Alana telling me she was going to a party, with a tray full of plastic petit fours.  Brandon yelled from his room, “She’s going to a party?”  I told him it was a pretend party, and he needed to go to sleep.  He shouted back from his room, “OKAY!”  Fifteen minutes later, he was asleep.  We missed out on our opportunity to take a picture of the 7 kids together.  My two were asleep, so we got most of the kids in there; May and Ed were kind enough to lend me Justin for the picture.  Dave took Alex for the boys’ picture.  We missed Joyce, too!  We should’ve taken the picture right when everyone got there, so all the kids would be fresh, and not at the end of their ropes.  It was good to see everyone.
Peyton is slowly adding more words, even singing.  If I hold up some clothes, she will say, “Cuuuu-te.”  I was swiping at a mosquito I found earlier this morning, while she was eating breakfast (Cheerios with milk, a first here at home).  When I caught him, I said, “I got it!”  She said, “Hi-ya!”  She has been singing along to Lady Gaga’s Bad Romance, and after climbing up the first rung of Dave’s ladder, then working her way back down, she said, “I got down!”  Well, at least she said something that was close to that, and 3 syllables.  Dave and I both heard the same thing, and just “assigned” what she said to that phrase.  I’ll have to add the pictures we took later, when I have more energy.

2 Replies to “Big Brother”

  1. thanks again robyn for hosting us! we really had a good time and pigged out! we hadn’t had so much meat in a long time. justin had a good time with brandon and kept saying, “stanley” after playing with brandon’s trains. he also went down the stairs face down on his tummy at my sister’s house, thanks to brandon’s teaching. brandon is always a good example to him.

  2. We had a lot of fun. It is good to have Brandon around other kids outside of school, so it was a perfect opportunity. I hope Justin’s nose is okay!!

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