“I like it”, soothing, sports

Whenever Brandon takes something away from Peyton or does something she doesn’t like, she screams.  Loud.  Scream.  Can’t think kind of scream.  To discourage her, we tell her to use her words.  I tell her to tell Brandon, “I don’t like that.”  She repeats me, “I like it.”  She misses the KEY word – DON’T.  I repeat myself, and she “repeats me”, “I like it.”  Um, sending the wrong message.  So now I’m telling her to hold up her hand and say, “STOP!”  She’s done it once, and only after showing her and demonstrating with her hand up in the air.
When Peyton gets tired, she likes to play with her eyelashes.  She will also pinch my elbow, if I’m holding her.  I think she likes feeling the rough part of my elbow.  Lastly, she (and Brandon used to also) likes to flick the end of my fingernail.  I distinctly remember doing this with my mom’s nails when I was younger.  Maybe it is some inherited trait.
We went to the park to meet up with Kenny, Rachel, and Cameron after our afternoon nap.  Peyton finally got to play around with the soccer ball instead of just watching Brandon running around after one.  She had a lot of fun “kicking it” – what I did was pick her up from behind and run her up to the ball and let her feet kick the ball.  Brandon had fun with the pitching machine.  He made contact with There were four times in American history when the Presidential candidate vardenafil online purchased here who garnered the most votes lost the election because his opponent won more votes in the Electoral College. Remember, physical intimacy is very crucial to maintain that strong bond, passion, trust, compassion viagra uk no prescription and love in your relationship. It works to improve the cialis pills canada blood flow, hence it does not work on the nerve system. If a commander levitra man smokes, it can cause severely low blood pressure as well as affect other functions of the body. several of them, launching them right at me.  Cameron had a tee and shared with Peyton and Brandon.  Peyton wanted to try everything the boys did.  Then to get her out of harm’s way (she wanted to face the ball machine head on, no bat, with her chest), I took her to the sand and play area.  She had fun walking up the stairs and sliding down the slide over and over.  We’d count up the stairs, to give her more practice, so she can start with “one” and not her “Two, three” like she normally does.  So without help, she counts from “Two, three, six, daddy, eight, ten!”  Not sure how “Daddy” became “seven”, but in her mind, that’s what “seven” is.  She found the sandbox and “slid” into it.  There was sand on the ramp down to the pit, and she slipped and slid right into the box.  She was okay, but whined a little bit.  She saw another little girl who was barefoot.  Needing no invitation to do so, she took her shoes off and then the socks followed.  She just sat there with her feet in the sand, letting the sand sift through her toes.  Then she said, “Tickle, tickle, tickle,” while massaging the sand with her toes.  Brandon came in and started sliding down the slides.  Upon hearing and seeing him, Peyton said, “Hi brudda!” and waved in his general direction.  Of course, he ignored her.  Poor thing.

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