
We went to a close friend of the family (my cousin’s other side of the family) last night.  It didn’t start until 5pm, and it was in the local wine country.  There were a few wineries in the area, so my mom and Dave checked one out while I stayed in the car.  We arrived at the wedding with just about 15 minutes to spare.  I got the kids changed while we waited, since I had them in comfy clothes on the 30 minute drive over.  I didn’t want their clothes to be too wrinkled in the car seat, especially since Dave took the time to iron Peyton’s dress.  We sat in the back, just in case.  It did help it was at a winery, and outside. There were also plenty of kids there, so we were not the only ones there with little ones.  Peyton was totally into the wedding once we saw the “princess” (thanks to Michelle for this trick 😉  ).  Peyton sat up straight and focused on the ceremony the whole time.  She was quiet as a mouse, and just whispered “princess” after I whispered it to her.  She was just trying to get a better view, since we were so far in the back.  Brandon was a little bit more fidgety but he kept busy looking at the fan program.  We were so lucky – the ceremony only lasted 10 minutes, maybe.  The bride is very practical, and has herself been in many weddings, so we figured maybe she just knew to keep it short (it was) and sweet (it also was).  I’m so glad that Peyton was able to still fit the dress she was wearing.  I had gotten it for a wedding last year, only to realize she wasn’t invited to said wedding (oops!).  It is a 6-12 month dress, so it would have been HUGE if she had worn it last September.  Brandon is not the outgoing self he used to be.  He didn’t want to been seen on the dance floor.  Peyton didn’t make it to dessert!  She passed out in the stroller, not even able to enjoy herself on the dance floor.  Both kids did a great job at the dinner table, considering it was 7pm before we started with dinner.  The ladies at our table even commented on how polite and well-behaved BOTH kids were. I think Brandon was motivated by the prospect of dessert – a cupcake tower.  He did pass on the cupcake in favor of the ice cream, that was served at the “ice cream bar”.  Both ate their veggies – Brandon had his salad, while Peyton had her mixed veggies that I brought.  Brandon had fried chicken strips with fries, while Peyton ate some of the chicken we had on our table.  The food was served family style (American food), which was a new concept for us.
We left before we had any meltdowns.  We left a little after 9pm, and Brandon stayed up talking to us the whole time!  He said his favorite part of the wedding was “When we were eating while they were dancing.”  He could have meant either when we were having our salads, or when we were having our desserts, as dancing was happening at both of those times.

Here are some pics:
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