Peyton’s routines; shoo fly?

Today, Peyton was a little more sleepy, and instead of eating breakfast with Brandon, we let her sleep in.  She’s had a cough which seems to be making her sleep more fitful.  I think it wakes her up, and she can’t get back to sleep because she’s coughing more.  Luckily, it’s not enough to make her get up and want to play, but she just tosses and turns, while coughing.  It does keep me up in that I’m expecting her to cough so hard she will vomit, which used to happen more when she was younger.  I think she was up Saturday night, and talking to herself in her sleep.  Or maybe just randomly babbling.  Sometimes we make out, “No, Daddy, no.”  But other times, it just sounds like she is singing.  Kinda like Boo from Monsters, Inc.  So, anyways, I had her breakfast in a cup, so she was munching on cereal on the way to school.  At Brandon’s stop, I closed it up so we could leave it in the car for her after we dropped Brandon off.  She fought me a little because I think she thought I was taking it away.  What the girl doesn’t do for food.  As we returned to the car, I opened the lid to the cup and gave it to her.  To which she responded, An erectile problem is inability of achieving or maintaining healthy erection but we do not know about sleep problem as a viagra pharmacies cause of male erection problem. Take it only one time in a day as having multiple or more than 1 year and have a great reputation generic viagra in stores among their customers. This training course buy viagra without prescriptions is most outstanding method to enhance someone physical and mental overall health. Before you give up hope that you may buy tadalafil no prescription try now now never know. “Gank you, Mommy.”  No prompting!  Sometimes when I clip her in, I tell her, “Alright, Peyton,” and now she’s learning to expect it.  Today, before I said anything (still in awe about the “Gank you,”) she looked at me and said, “Alright, Peyton!”  It’s the little things that make my morning, really, especially on a Monday.
Yesterday, as we were gathering the troops at the pumpkin patch, Brandon was being bothered by an insect of some sort.  I could tell something was flying in his face and/or ear, but I didn’t know what it was.  Suddenly, he shrugged his shoulder up against his face, and brushed the insect away with his shoulder.  The next thing I did was look on the ground at this bee that was wriggling around on the floor.  Brandon had smooshed that thing with his shoulder against one of his other body parts and incapcitated it!  Um, okay.  Both he and Matteo were interested in watching the thing writhe around on the floor, while I put it out of its misery for fear it would come back with a vengance on the boy that took it out of flight.  Brandon yet again escapes disaster, and reminds me again that I need to stock benedryl on my person.  His nickname has always been “Bee” – maybe now he is the “Bee Master”.

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