Brainwash; Fire; Even more talking; Fluoride

It took us awhile (still working on it in fact), to have Brandon’s first response be “I will,” and then do whatever it was that we asked.  So for kid #2, we’re starting even earlier.  Peyton’s response to either me (or Dave) asking, “What did Mommy (Daddy) say?”:  I will.  Ta-dah!  Well, that’s half of it.  The other part is getting her to do what it is we ask, which only occurs about half of the time.  We do get the eye roll, and then action taken, which is just as well.
This week at Brandon’s school, they are reviewing fire safety.  Brandon asked me yesterday what happens when there is fire in the sky. I asked, “Like fireworks?”  He said, “No, like the fireball in those houses.”  I told him that it was an accident, and that hopefully it wouldn’t happen again.  I told him we couldn’t use a fire extinguisher for that.  Today, he told me that since he lives on the second floor, if there was a fire, he would get out of his window with the ladder.  I told him there was no ladder in his room.  He told me, “Yeah, Daddy has a ladder, I’ll just use that.”  I told him he needed a rope ladder.  He thought that was funny.
Peyton has been repeating things we say to her.  She bumped her elbow (which she calls her “Elmo”) and said, “Ah, it hurts!”  Then, she was doing something she wasn’t supposed to be doing, walking around the bathroom when I was in my room.  She slipped on the dirty clothes that we hadn’t picked up from the morning, and said, “See happens?”  We usually tell the kids, “See what happens?”  Brandon was giving me a hug this morning, and I felt his head.  I said, “He feels warm,” then asked Dave to feel him.  Peyton was eating her breakfast, and said, “Warm,” while putting her own hand up to her head.  She had a big grin, so she is most definitely not sick.  Neither was Brandon; it was just the warmth he normally generates from being such a busy boy.
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We did not give him any fluoride drops last night or tonight.  After he went to bed, the little pharmacist that lives within this mom suddenly thought that his consequence should have been to drink a lot of milk, as this would have bound up some of the fluoride.  They tell you not to drink milk with fluoride because it affects the absorption.  So it just stands to reason in the case of overdose, one would drink a lot of milk.  Oh well, he looked okay.  If he vomited, that would have been okay, too.

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